The material presented here is my original creation, intended for use with the OGRE system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.
A new Combine carrier deploys from the gulf of mexico, right into an Paneuropean ambush.
The Paneurope player gets three Subs:
one Attack Sub
4 Torpedo tubes(Range 4)
2 AP(1/1)
30 structure points(Move 3 hexes, lose one hex per ten points)
one Missile Sub
2 Torpedo tubes(Range 4)
2 Missile Racks and 10 OGRE Missiles(6/5)
2 AP(1/1)
30 structure points(Move 3 hexes, lose one hex per ten points)
one Commando Sub
2 Torpedo tubes(Range 4)
4 AP(1/1)
6 squads of Marine Infantry
30 structure points(Move 3 hexes, lose one hex per ten points)
Torpedoes can only be fired once per turn per tube, but may be fired either submerged or surfaced at surface or submerged targets for full strength. Torpedoes must trace a path through the water of no more than their range from the firing point to the target but may go around corners. Fired against an OGRE, a torpedo will always hit and do one die of tread units damage. When fired against a ship or sub roll one die and inflict twice that number of structure points. When fired against boats roll one die for the attack strength then resolve an attack (with spillover) with that attack strength. Torpedoes cannot directly track GEVs or infantry and so can only achieve spillover effects against hover or infantry mobility targets, but resolve the attack against each squad independently. (Only roll one die to resolve the strength of the attack, no matter how many spillover targets are in the hex.) Resolve each torpedo separately from any other attack.
Submarine missile racks work exactly the same as the ones on the Mark IV, except that the human crews are not fast enough to double the missile attack strength in overruns. Note that missiles may only be launched while the missile sub is surfaced.
Sub AP guns can only target infantry and defense zero targets and can only be used in overruns while the sub is submerged. Also, they are not doubled in overruns.
The Commando sub carries infantry internally and is the only sub with a significant ability to carry and deploy infantry while submerged. One squad of infantry may ride on top of each sub, as long as it remains surfaced.
The Combine player has four ships:
one Carrier
2 VLMA(3/4)
2 UVRG(1/2)
2 vehicle ramps
60 structure points(Move 3 hexes, lose one hex per twenty points.
Two destroyers, each has:
2 Naval Howitzers(3/7)
1 UVRG(1/2)
30 structure points(Move 3 hexes, lose one hex per ten points)
And One Laser Cruiser:
1 laser(2/30)
1 VLMA(3/4)
1 UVRG(1/2)
36 structure points(Move 3 hexes, lose one hex per twelve points)
In addition the combine has 6 LGEVs, 2 Hovertrucks(D1), 4 GEV-PCs, 4 Assault GEVs, 12 squads of Marines, 3 squads of Marine Engineers, 3 heavy weapon squads (non-Marine, find something to stand on) and two Landing Craft. Three of the LGEVs are deployed on the map, the rest of these units are onboard the carrier at the start of the game.
VLMA: Vertical Launch Missile Array, a cluster of tubes that Hypersmart missiles launch out of. This weapon has the same effect as a missile tank, but naval Hypersmart missiles can engage submerged targets at half strength.
UVRG: Ultra Velocity Rail Gun, the final line of defense for navy ships. It fires plastic slivers at 30 klicks a second that undergo contact fusion if they hit something solid, otherwise they quickly burn up in the air. This weapon intercepts cruise missiles or drones on a 11+, is limited to LLOS and has no effect on submerged targets.
The UVRG is a very rapid fire weapon. A UVRG may roll to intercept a cruise missile or drone once per hex that the missile travels within the range of the UVRG. Also the UVRG has a theoretical ability to intercept ballistic missiles and may shoot down each OGRE missile targeted within its range on a roll of 12 on two dice. (Good luck.) If the UVRG was not used to attempt to intercept missiles on the previous enemy turn it may engage surface targets with its limited attack strength.
Note that UVRGs impose a gigantic drain on a ship's batteries so even the biggest can only carry a few of these.
The Naval Howitizer is the same weapon as the land based light howitizer. However, the naval version has specialized ammunition and may use its full attack strength against submerged targets.
The stats for the Landing Craft are: Atk: 1/2, D3, M3
Landing Craft are boats that move over water at three hexes a turn, ram
like heavy tanks, can carry up to three size points of units inside (i.e.,
up to NINE squads of infantry) and one squad on top. Landing Craft may
travel up streams or through swamps at one hex per turn, but get stuck on a
roll of 1 or 2 in swamp or 1 in streams. (Requiring Marine Engineers to
free them, as per the rules in OGRE Minis.)
The stats for the Assault GEV are: Atk: 1/2, D2, M3/2
In addition it has two weapon bays, and may use one charge per turn. Each
bay can carry either a single shot hypersmart missile pack(3/4, half effect
against submerged targets) or a single torpedo with range two (otherwise
the same effect as the bigger sub launched torpedoes).
Manned ships take damage as buildings, but every time they are damaged to one third of total damage, roll a 1-1 attack on each "system" on board.
For example, if the carrier was undamaged then got hit by two OGRE missiles and took 24 points of damage (twice the effective attack strength, as usual) then it's speed would drop to 2 hexes per turn and roll against each weapon and vehicle ramp. On a 5 or 6 that system is destroyed and on a 3 or a 4 it is disrupted and unusable for a turn. At forty points of damage, speed would drop to one hex and roll again for the surviving systems.
Vehicles, but not infantry, on board the carrier roll at the same time as the builtin features and the carrier takes an additional point of damage for each GEV or boat that is destroyed inside.
Ships and subs loose speed as their hulls are damaged, in a similar manner to OGRE tread units. Subs, but not surface ships or boats, gain the "road" movement bonus if they start their turn surfaced and remain surfaced for their entire turn. Otherwise subs may surface or submerge once during their movement phase at no further movement cost. Marine infantry can also surface or submerge once during their movement phase without cost. (Rougher sea states would impose limits on water surface movement by Boats, GEVs, ships and surfaced subs and infantry.)
Up to three squads of infantry can deploy on top of the carrier, just like a great big tank. (The other Combine ships can hold two squads each).
Each of the carrier's active vehicle ramps can load or unload a boat or a hovercraft at the end of the carrier player's first movement phase, and may load or unload a hovercraft at the end of their second movement phase.
The Landing Craft block the landing ramps while parked on them and may not move further inside the carrier than the ramps, so the carrier must offload the Landing Craft to clear the ramps for hovercraft operations.
In order to phase infantry operations in coordination with vehicle operations, infantry may depart from their transports at any point during either friendly movement phase (including at the start of an overrun for infantry riding on top of their transport), but may not move further on their own that turn, except that they may immediately surface or submerge if marines (this might cause an overrun).
At the end of their first movement phase, after ramp operations, infantry may board transports they are stacked with, even if they unloaded from the same or other transports during that movement phase. This is the only time during the turn that infantry can board transports.
Combat between surface and submerged units in the same hex is conducted as if they were at one hex range and is not an overrun, but surface units suffer spillover effects from attacks against submerged targets in their hex fired by units in other hexes.
The Scenario:
Place the carrier somewhere in the middle of a vast ocean. Then the Combine player places the two destroyers, the cruiser and the three patrolling LGEVs anywhere within three hexes of the carrier. All other Combine units are inside the carrier.
The Paneurope player places each sub submerged ten or more hexes from the nearest Combine unit and moves first. (The subs do not have to start anywhere near each other.) Each sub has it's identity hidden while submerged and is only revealed as to its type when it surfaces or uses some capability that reveals its type. (The Paneurope has complete knowledge of the Combine order of battle due to a spy in the Big Easy.)
Due to surprise, none of the Combine infantry are ready. Roll a single die to ready 1-6 squads at the start of each of the Combine player's turns (Combine player's choice from his available types).
The Assault GEVs, Heavy Weapon squads and Engineers start the scenario without their heavy weapons loaded but can fully load or reload their weapons by spending a full turn (active) inside the carrier. The other ships aren't carrying the right missiles or equipment to reload these systems. (A squad could be readied and armed on the first turn and then deployed to the top of the ship or depart on a GEV-PC on the second.)
The Paneurope player wins by sinking the carrier and loosing no more subs than the Combine player loses escorts. The Combine player wins if the carrier survives, any other result is a draw. The length of the scenario is twelve turns.