Thomas, Halfling, age 20 ST 6, DX 12, IQ 12, MA 10 Talents include: Alertness, Bard, Carousing, Climbing, Dagger Expertise, Literacy, Streetwise, Thrown Weapons Languages: Common, Thieves’ argot Weapon: 3* very fine daggers (1d+2) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4)
The Boxing Guild is named after Boxing Day where these protectors of the Halfling ghetto of the capital pledge their common defense during a drunken banquet. They still have drunken banquets twice every other month, but this is the time where they induct new members and reaffirm their oaths.
Thomas was recently thrust into the role of guildmaster by common acclaim after the mysterious disappearance of his mother, and is still finding his way into the job. His day job remains front counter bakery attendant and as for his night job, well it's best if you lot never find that out.
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