Weekly Job Role: Escape Rogue
Kato Kukka, Elf, age 20
ST 6, DX 13, IQ 13, MA 12
Talents include: Acrobatics, Dagger Expertise, Locksmith, Silent Movement, Stealth, Streetwise
Languages: Common, Elvish, Thieves’ argot
Weapon: 2 very fine daggers (1d+2)
Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4)
Equipment: Middle class clothing, belt pouch, backpack, labyrinth kit, lockpicking tools, molotail, 2 torches, waterskin, 2 healing potions, 2 days rations, $135 in coins
Combat notes: Two Weapons talent isn't needed here thanks to the off-hand dagger rules at ITL 111. If she gets a rear shot (or against a downed foe) she's +4 to hit and hence does a shrewd blow at 13+4-5=12 for 74.07% chance to hit for 1d-1 +2 very fine +1 expert + 1d6 shrewd blow = 2d+2 for average of 6.66 hits/turn (or head shot at -6 if the target is heavily armored for adjDX 11 which is a 62.5% chance of hitting for 1d+2 doubled or 6.88 hits/turn) followed up by an ordinary off-hand strike at 13+4-4 or 83.8% chance of hitting for another 1d+2 and an additional 4.61 hits/turn. In either case she averages over 11 hits each turn (minus armor if applicable). So don't turn your back on little Elvin girls with sharp blades in hand.
Kato is the kind of rogue you leave behind, and she knows that's part of her job. She can ensure that the entire party escapes from a dozen well armed guardsmen, but only when you follow the plan.
Escape Rogue Checklist
- Determine that the party (or Kato herself, if she's already alone) needs to escape. Is there a chance that Kato can get in some backstabs and win the fight? Or do the opposing forces have overwhelming reinforcements on the way?
- Determine the escape route. Look over the following steps and choose the exit that maximizes your chance of completing all the steps for your getaway.
- Get to the exit. The party drags their wounded through the exit leaving Kato to guard the escape. Her ideal placement is a narrow spot with the open escape route behind her, room for only one foe to melee her, and cover against hostile missile fire.
- Delay for a few turns. Kato keeps hostile forces for following for a few turns. Any turn where can disengage without compromising her position (doesn't help against jabbing polearms) is best, followed by an expert dagger defend, or if she has to, an attack. If your wizard has cast fire in the only hex she can be attacked from (or if this has been molotailed) she may stay there to prevent enemies from moving past that hex.
- Run for it. Once she's disengaged Kato runs. She'll try to lead the enemy away from your group, but don't make this trivial for her by leaving a trail of blood for the guards to follow. She hopefully has a MA advantage over her pursers, but this may fail if they send wolfhounds after her.
- She's out of sight. The next step is for Kato to use either raw movement or a Stealth roll to get out of line of sight of her pursers with a few turns before they find her current location.
- Gain altitude, not attitude. Use Acrobatics to change elevation. This can be prearranged, but starting from scratch the steps are:
- First turn: Step up to 3 hexes, use 3 MA to ready the hooked grapnel from her belt then throw this up say 4 yards (-4) to the adjacent rooftop. (Best to prearrange this if possible.)
- Second and third turns: Climb the rope
- Fourth turn: Pull up the rope and lie as silently as a flower on the rooftop while the guards search below
- Meet up afterwards. You may try to run from Kato but if she's your only connection to the local underworld then good luck with that.
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