How do independent family owned taverns survive in a world of murder hobos and lesser monsters? Well first the lodge isn't a building standing all alone in the middle of a swamp with only a sign in an inhuman script with the figure of an octopus serving ale to advertise it. (The PCs would already be planing a siege, not a stay at this point.)
Second, even the most isolated tavern would be surrounded by and be the focus of a village, while those in towns and cities would be more or less respectable establishments. Anyone who attacks such a place should expect an entire community to react.
Thirdly, the innkeepers are part of a guild and hence their establishments are protected by the GILTI.
Sam Bellum, Human, age 20 ST 9, DX 12, IQ 11, MA 10 Talents include: Business Sense, Detect Lies, Fencer, Horsemanship, Knife, Literacy Language: Common Weapon: Rapier (1d+1), Main Gauche (1d) (-1 to be hit with weapons in hand) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3)
Sam will only stay at establishments that advertise the GILT mark, as all others really aren't his business. Most of the time he'll just have dinner and a drink, stay the night, secretly take notes, and if all seems well just pay his bill and travel on the next day to another such establishment. Occasionally Sam will wait for a quiet moment, pull out his GILTI badge and demand to see the accounts for the tavern to ensure that they are paying the proper rate to the guild. If things get seriously out of hand then Sam will stand up from his seat in the corner and help protect his clients and their business.
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