Sir Merit Mercer, Human, age 55 ST 10, DX 12, IQ 15, MA 10 Talents include: Administrator, Artist, Business Sense, Courtly Graces, Knife, Literacy, Master Draper, Sword Spell: Image Language: Common Weapons: fine dagger (1d), fine saber (2d-1) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3) Equipment: Upper Class clothing, etc.
Young Merit was a failing student who was sent by the headmaster of the Wizard Academy at the request of the Guildmaster of the Haberdashers at the time to demonstrate the impracticality of the requests of the current duke's grandfather, both in sketches and in 3D images. After several failed attempts going back and forth between the two, Merit learned the techniques of the drapers and worked his way up from apprentice draper to become Guildmaster himself.
He retains the job as the supervisor of the drapers for the duke's family. This connection gained for him the knighthood required to woo Dame Mercedes Mercer, and they have recently become grandparents.
Wandering PCs would require high placed connections or highly unusual circumstances to have a chance to talk with Sir Mercer (he runs a guild whose members have street shops, but he doesn't run one himself), but there are few better placed to overhear what really happens at the highest levels of the duchy.
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