Weekly Job Role: Monster Warden

Wilma the Monster Warden, Human, age 20
ST 8, DX 13, IQ 11, MA 10
Talents include: Dagger Expertise, Literacy, Naturalist, Thrown Weapons, Tracking, Woodsman
Language: Common
Weapon: 4* very fine daggers (1d+2)
Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4)
Armor: -1 to be hit with dagger in hand

Wilma patrols the barony tracking down those who poach and/or feed themselves to the baroness' prized monsters. She harvests parts from both poachers and monsters to supply the baroness' laboratories and workshops.

Her chief subordinate is Willis the crossbow sniper, who also acts as a beast of burden and can transport up to two tons of monster parts and other treasure on her cart. As a dwarf he pulls as much as mule, but costs less to feed and is better at following instructions.

Willis the cart puller, Dwarf, age 20
ST 12, DX 11, IQ 9, MA 10
Talents include: Crossbow, Knife, Missile Weapons III, Sword, Toughness
Language: Common, Dwarfish
Weapons: light crossbow (2d), broadsword (2d), dagger (1d-1)
Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-2)
Armor: Toughness stops 1 hit

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