When the party asks for a guide through the local wilderness they'll be directed to talk to Vivian. They will see a short green-faced figure wearing green armor and gear. Each member of the party gets a 5/IQ roll (minus one die for each of Alertness, Disguise, Naturalist, Expert Naturalist and being a goblin or hobgoblin themselves). On a failure they'll assume that Vivian is a goblin and on a success they'll realize that she isn't even distantly related to goblins and is just wearing green "camo" makeup.
Vivian's mother was a halfling and her father was an orc, but he didn't stay around the village long enough to even leave his name. Feeling excluded from the halflings, Vivian learned little from them and much from the wilderness. One day she just didn't return home and has made her way as an adventurer for hire since.
For her work she put on the green makeup to hide in the jungle and when she was mistaken for a goblin she accepted this as being preferable to explaining her actual background. She will speak as little as possible, ensure that she gets paid her $150/week, and just do her job. She respects magic, but has seen that inserting daggers into the eyes of wizards greatly reduces their ability to cast spells on her.
Vivian has no special racial talents or weaknesses and is about the size of a 12-year old human girl. When the party gets into a fight she will carefully weigh the impact on her personal survival and future job prospects of sticking around for the fight or just quietly sneaking off. Assuming that she will blindly follow her sworn word is a poor bet and she can be assumed to have a neutral reaction to just about everybody.
Note that Orclings are ST 6, DX 10, IQ 8, plus seven attribute points at start. Most average out to goblin size.
Vivian, Orcling, age 20 ST 6, DX 14 (13), IQ 11, MA 10 Talents include: Dagger Expertise, Naturalist, Silent Movement, Thrown Weapons, Woodsman Language: Common Weapon: 2* very fine dagger (1d+2), silver dagger (1d), 5* dagger (1d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4) Special Ability/Weakness: N/A Armor: Cloth armor stops 1 hit, -1 to be hit with dagger in hand. Equipment: belt pouch, backpack, Labyrinth kit, 2 days rations, waterskin, 2 torches, 2 healing potions, jar of green camo makeup, small tarp, small blanket, $5 in cash
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This game aid is the original creation of Henry J. Cobb and is released for free distribution, and not for resale, under the permissions granted in the Steve Jackson Games Online Policy.