Kai, Human wizard, age 20 ST 9, DX 12, IQ 14, MA 10 Talents: Gardener (mundane), Literacy, Naturalist, Woodsman Spells: Control Animal, Dark Vision, Detect Life, Illusion, Magic Rainstorm, Staff, Ward Language: Common Weapon: Staff oak maul (1d+1, 1d occult) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3) Equipment: Gray faded robe with a silver and a half dozen copper coins in the pockets, waterskin, patched up backpack contains a dinged up small brass pot, whatever he's gathered for today's stew, a book with a half dozen spells, and an improvised wizard's chest
When the duchess found Kai treating her palace garden as a buffet she struck up a conversation with him and gained insights into maintaining the plants there. The duke misunderstood this encounter and ordered Kai's death.
When the PCs encounter Kai he'll be on the run from the city guard while investigating a sudden imbalance in the ecology of the city's sewers.
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