The Fantasy Trip, Legacy vs First edition

All page references are to The Fantasy Trip Legacy edition In the Labyrinth rulebook, unless noted otherwise.

The changes in Legacy edition are considered after SJ's 1980 Errata for the first printing as seen in the TFT Companion, and after Legacy's own errata and hexagram notes.

A collection of my own musings, not to be taken too seriously. -HJC, with help from JohnPaulB.


  1. General Gameplay
  2. Spells
  3. Talents
  4. Creatures
  5. Combat
  6. Magic

General Gameplay

Contests (Opposed Rolls) (ITL 8) is a new mechanic.

Immediate Action (ITL 10) has been added and along with the Heroic Magic Revival changes it is now much easier and cheaper to bring back the recent dead.

Creating a Character (ITL 12)

Amazon has been deleted from the archetype suggestions.

Advantages of Great Strength (ITL 15) have been greatly reduced.

Adding or losing IQ points after character creation doesn't increase or decrease memory points, but these can be bought separately and are limited only by total XP.

Experience Points

The complex formulas for awarding EPs have been replaced with general GM guidelines for awarding XPs in legacy. But programmed adventures such as Death Test 2 have a reward schedule that's about the same as the old system.

New attribute total vs old attribute total at same XPs.
XPs Session Legacy AP Classic AP

Note that a legacy edition wizard could instead remain at 40 attributes and add 35 Mana and four memory points with those 9k XPs (17,500 minus 8,500) while a first edition wizard would just add three attributes which would be at most only three additional memory points.

Learning New Spells and Talents (ITL 45) is now much easier. Where characters used to spend thousands of XPs to raise their IQ by one point and then spend months studying a new talent they can now spend 500 XPs and just add the talent to their character sheet.

Map Scales (ITL 55) have been converted from metric to imperial. The combat hexes used to be 12.34% longer. The old Province hexes where 55% longer than the new ones.

Jobs (ITL 57) no longer list XPs as possible mundane job rewards.

Under Cultures and Customs (ITL 60) the rules for duels, clothing and slavery have been reduced.

Under Equipment (ITL 65) and elsewhere the weights have been converted from kg to pounds and rounded. The prices remain at their pre-Silver Thursday levels.


Lots of utility spells and a few divination spells that roll against IQ rather than DX have been added. The list is better organized.

IQ 8 Spells

The Wizard's Staff now has multiple levels, at the first level it has an occult attack which costs one fatigue that may be used instead of (and at higher levels in complement with) the mundane effects of whatever form (now not just a stick) the Staff enchantment has been cast on. See ITL 148 for additional notes and Hexagram #9 page 3 (for use of a dagger that has the Staff enchantment in HTH).

IQ 9 Spells

Look Your Best (ITL 19) is new.

Summon Scout and Turn Missiles (ITL 20) are new.

IQ 10 Spells

Adhesion, Clearheadedness, Dispel Missiles, Meal and Minor Medicament (ITL 20) are new.

Close Vision (ITL 20) has been added as a counterpart to Far Vision.

Staff to Snake (ITL 21) is one IQ point easier to learn, costs less to cast and maintain, lasts twice as long, is harder to hit and has a much more powerful bite, in line with the other Staff changes.

Stalwart and Whisper (ITL 21) are new.

IQ 11 Spells

Acid Touch (ITL 21) is new.

Delete Writing, Ferment and Great Voice (ITL 22) are new.

Scour (ITL 23) is new.

Staff II/Manastaff (ITL 23) and all higher Staff spells are new.

IQ 12 Spells

Breathe Fire, Cleanse Poison and Friendship (ITL 24) are new.

Mage Sight (ITL 24) lasts for minutes not seconds. Thus making the Shadow spell much more tactically useful.

Pathfinder and Soothe (ITL 25) are new.

IQ 13 Spells

Open Tunnel is easier to escape from.

Scrying (ITL 26) is new.

IQ 14 Spells

Duplicate Writing and Restore Device (ITL 27) are new.

Spell Shield (ITL 27) adds a note about the new staff occult strike.

Summon Lesser Demon (ITL 28) now includes the Lesser Wish, to be gained from a dumber demon.

Telepathy (ITL 28) no longer clears out the subject's mind.

IQ 15 Spells

Regeneration (ITL 30) is new.

IQ 16 Spells

The old Staff of Power enchantment has been spread over the new Staff II to Staff V spells.

IQ 17 Spells

Cleansing (ITL 31) now includes my suggestion to limit its use as a cheap mass Death spell.

Diamond Flesh (ITL 31) is new.

Summon Demon (ITL 32) brings a much dimmer demon to force a wish from.

IQ 19 Spells

The Revival spell now can take effect anytime within a day of death.


Several talents have reduced costs and prerequisites and the list is better organized.

IQ 7 Talents

Brawling and Carousing (ITL 35) are new.

Lacking the proper weapon talent now adds a die to the attack roll instead of subtracting four from DX. This isn't a half-point of DX advantage, due to the greater chance of fumbles.

Pole Weapons (ITL 36) now includes the naginata, which has lost its own special talent and now functions exactly like a spear (ITL 111).

IQ 8 Talents

Area Knowledge and Quick-Draw (ITL 36) are new.

IQ 9 Talents

Missile Weapons (ITL 38) can now be bought one point of bonus at a time, but only the first point is needed to gain the long range missile fire bonuses.

Pickpocket (ITL 38) has been split off from the old THIEF talent.

Streetwise (ITL 38) is new.

Toughness (ITL 38) is the new name for the old WARRIOR and VETERAN talents. It is now easier to get and cheaper.

IQ 10 Talents

NEW FOLLOWERS and THIEF have been removed or split.

Shield Expertise (ITL 39) is new.

IQ 11 Talents

MONSTER FOLLOWERS has been removed, but this is still listed as an option on the full page "Character Record Sheet".

Fencer (ITL 40) is completely changed and much more powerful.

Locksmith (ITL 40) has been split off from the old THIEF talent.

Master Pickpocket (ITL 40) has been split off from the old MASTER THIEF talent.

Two Weapons (ITL 41) works exactly the same as before, but is much easier to learn.

Unarmed Combat II (ITL 41) and higher have several changes.

Weapon Expertise (ITL 41) is new.

Writing (ITL 41) is new.

IQ 12 Talents

MASTER THIEF has been removed, and its defense against Detect Lies has been lost.

Master Locksmith (ITL 42) has been split off from the old MASTER THIEF talent.

Stealth (ITL 42) is the new name for the old SPYING talent.

IQ 13 Talents

Master Fencer (ITL 42) and Weapon Mastery (ITL 43) are new.


Pidgin language has been removed.

Designing a Labyrinth

The Random Stocking tables at ITL 48 haven't changed and so do not align with the current gas bomb effects at ITL 146.


The following creatures have been added.
81Long Lankin
86Bloody Rider
87Head Flies
88Cold Horses
90Banshees(the bat kind)
91Bare Owl
98Net AlgaeAnd water armor
98Pit Trap Plants

Humanoid Races now all mostly start at 32 attribute points and "EXPERIENCE POINTS FOR VERY POWERFUL RACES" has been removed.

DWARVES (ITL 77) lost the racial bonus damage with short shafted weapons, but they can now learn Ax/Mace Expertise which offers that and more. (Actually they can't at start due to excessive starting ST, but it remains a theoretical possibility for a very experienced dwarf.) Their relatively low starting IQ (after making up for the two missing DX points), make the new talents of Brawling and Carousing good picks for a typical dwarf.

GIANTS don't have the fixed damage for great cesti anymore, and the XPs needed to advance their first added attribute point has increased from 2,000 EPs to 8,000 XPs (note that the XP award guidelines are roughly half the old EP guidelines so this is an increase of around sixteen times the playing effort), while also losing their racial longevity.

HALFLINGS (ITL 78) didn't get the two attribute point boost of Goblins and Hobgoblins. Though still noted as being "skilled with" missile weapons they no longer get a racial bonus in their use, and their bonus with Thrown Weapons is reduced to a racial talent.

REPTILE MEN (ITL 79) had their starting attribute total reduced from 38 to 32 points, but they no longer pay double XPs to advance attributes. The note that they should consider being fighters still stands because their maximum starting sum of DX and IQ has been dropped to 8+8+4 = 20, but a decent apprentice lizard wizard can be made with say DX 11 and IQ 9. She doesn't have to bother with the Knife talent if she's got daggers growing out of her body after all.

Dragons lost their hypnotic ability.

Hymenopterans (from that other game) are deleted from Giant Insects and Other Crawlies (ITL 94).


List of Options (ITL 102) is reordered and lacks options for prone figures such as pick up weapons. The provision to defend after a half-move can be refound at Hexagram #9, page 3.

Option (g) STAND UP is now specified to stand at the end of the turn.

Weapon Table (ITL 109) changes:

armor and shields (ITL 110) changes:

Left-Hand Weapons (ITL 111) has removed text about main-gauche options and using two daggers in HTH. The use of two daggers in HTH is explicitly denied in the Legacy Melee rulebook at page 13.

Pole Weapons (ITL 111) Charge attack rules differ in a few points (such as the attacker needing a three hex run in) and now does plus one die rather doubled damage on a charge.

Spear Thrower (ITL 114) has a different bonus to accuracy than before.

Broken Ground (ITL 118) has the specific penalties for actions and movement replaced with general guidelines. However Darkness (ITL 119) still imposes a specific penalty for all broken ground.

Darkness (ITL 119) has a less severe restriction on thrown spells.

Berserking (ITL 121) now specified to cost fatigue.

Trampling (ITL 126) no longer costs the fallen figures their next action, but has them fall underfoot instead of in the next hex.

Fine Weapons and Armor (ITL 123) now explicitly include daggers.

Gunpowder Weapons (ITL 124) the blunderbuss rules were changed from a trap-like device to a missile weapon.

Quick Combat System (advMelee 28) has been deleted. Most of the same effect can be gained by simply using less advanced combat options.


Missile Spells (ITL 135) are now limited to 3 dice when cast, but a rod can still discharge its full load in a single blast.

Special Spells (ITL 140) now default to Thrown Spell range adjustments, but most of them specify their own range adjustments.

The Lesser Wish (ITL 143) is new.

The Greater Wish (ITL 143) now can only increase attributes to 14, but this is potentially several times the XPs of the first edition limits.

Gaining a Wish (ITL 143) is now through a quick contest rather than a difference roll. While this makes it much easier for lower IQ wizards it also increases the chance of an automatic failure for very high IQ wizards.

Magic Items

The Wizard's Staff (ITL 148) has a lot of changes, including weapon forms other than simple wooden rods. The Wizard boardgame retains a Staff spell that is very close to the original. (Compare the Spell Shield spells between Legacy Wizard boardgame and ITL.)

Brand (ITL 158) is new.

Amulet of Last Effort (ITL 160) is new.

Attribute Enhancers (ITL 161) are now much more restrictive, especially with respect to Aid spell boosts.

Powerstone (ITL 163) replaces the old STRENGTH BATTERY and works in the same way, but also includes ambient recharge.

The Fantasy Trip(t.m.) is a trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and their rules and art are copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by Steve Jackson Games.
This game aid is the original creation of Henry J. Cobb and is released for free distribution, and not for resale, under the permissions granted in the Steve Jackson Games Online Policy.