All page references are to The Fantasy Trip In the Labyrinth rulebook, unless noted otherwise.
A collection of my own musings, not to be taken too seriously. -HJC
Here are my notes for implementing the "feel" of the d20 SRD classes as TFT characters. Not every ability will map directly over, but the themes should at least rhyme. The biggest difference is the innate agnosticism of TFT vs the omnipresent feuding pantheons SRD's sources assume. It is up to the GM how effective any religion is and how harshly these potentially active gods judge the party's murder hobos.
See also: Metamorphosing Monsters: Adapting D&D Creatures to TFT by Steve Jackson, Space Gamer #56, page 2.
I've included my CP metric as a rough gauge of character "level". The conversion goes somewhat like this:
SRD level | TFT CPs |
1st | 33 CP |
2nd | 34 CP |
3rd | 36 CP |
4th | 39 CP |
5th | 43 CP |
8th | 61 CP |
10th | 78 CP |
15th | 138 CP |
20th | 223 CP |
Some of these examples exceed 223 CP and so are very very very unlikely to be reached through play.
Attributes and talents are as listed at ITL 12, with the potential addition of Acrobatics, Climbing, Running, Swimming, Woodsman and even Detect Traps (for the bonus to evade sprung traps). Prune down the talent list by considering the background your barbarian had before venturing out to the big city or haunted crypt. If your tribe doesn't have horses or swords you won't learn the talents for them.
Barbarian, Human, age 20 (33 CP) ST 13, DX 10, IQ 9, MA 12 Talents include: Brawling, Climbing, Running, Swimming, Sword, Toughness Weapons: dagger (1d-1), bastard sword(3d-2) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d) Armor: Toughness stops 1 hit
A good character progression plan would be to first invest XP in DX up to 14, then increase ST to 14. At this point buying the additional barbarian talents (including the second level of Toughness) becomes more attractive than the thousand points of XP for the 38th attribute point.
The ITL Bard is usually a Rogue like fighter (ITL 13, ITL 58), while the SRD Bard is more of a spellcaster than a fighter so consider taking a Wizard with the Bard talent (ITL 37) like the Entertainer Wizard (ITL 59).
One interesting option is to cast Staff II or higher (for the break weapon protection, ITL 23) on the bard's lute and wield it as a club, when not playing the lute and singing for the Gestures and Incantations (ITL 142). The bardic wizard template works well with most spells, other than perhaps the summons and missile spells. (Illusions and images are of course fine.) The GM must accommodate this modification, at the cost of requiring singing for all spells learned from the "Bards' Guild".
Bard, Halfling wizard, age 20 (33 CP) ST 6, DX 13 (11), IQ 11, MA 10 (8) Talents: Bard, Knife, Thrown Weapons Spells include: Great Voice, Illusion, Look Your Best, Staff II Language: Common Weapon: Lute/Club/Staff II (1d-1), hidden silver dagger (1d-1) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4) Armor: Leather armor stops 2 hits Magic Item: Staff II: Lute (1d occult)
Note that this character is optimized to apply a +3 reaction bonus over a large area. If the combat never starts then she doesn't need to fight. Her character progression is to add IQ until she can Word Of Command - Believe an entire village at a time.
The pure cleric is the biggest mismatch to the agnostic setting of TFT. Instead of having gods running the world, consider that even in an atheistic point of view Earth's religions have been powerful organizing forces for societies and that a church can function as a powerful, if neglectful patron for a character.
The obvious mapping is the Wizardly Priest. Take Priest, Literacy, Staff (for occult zaps at the infields), and at least consider Physicker if you can afford the memory points.
A less obvious route is the adventuring hero priest who carries a non-magical walking stick (or an enchanted mace) and uses talents instead of spells to resolve disputes. Though either the Light or Fire spells can be used to impress on the masses the power of your faith.
Cleric of Rhakkra, Orc, age 20 (33 CP) ST 9, DX 12 (11), IQ 11, MA 10 Talents include: Charisma, Physicker, Priest, Unarmed Combat II Spell: Fire Languages: Common, Orcish Weapon: Wooden maul (1d+1) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-1) Armor: Cloth armor stops 1 hit Equipment: Backpack, 4*Healing Potion, Physicker's Kit, ...
The obvious path is again a wizard with a few talents such as Woodsman for the Druid.
For a hero druid start with Animal Handler, Woodsman and Physicker then add some weapons talents, or just walk silently and carry a big stick.
Druid, Half-Orc wizard, age 20 (33 CP) ST 8, DX 12, IQ 12, MA 10 Talents include: Woodsman Spells include: Control Animal, Dark Vision, Illusion, Staff II, Summon Bear Weapon: Staff II elm maul (1d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4) Magic Item: Staff II: elm maul (1d occult)
Character progression would be to add DX and IQ then learn Animal Handler and Calling.
Even a character without Animal Handler can start with whatever trained animals they can afford. TFT has hinted at animal familiars since at least the Wizard boardgame, so see what you can talk your GM into. Perhaps a variant of Summon Scout that acts like Control Animal only for your own trained animals.
The fighter has been part of TFT since the Melee boardgame and different suggested archetypes are listed at ITL 12. Legacy edition has useful starting characters like a Fencer with a very fine rapier or a light crossbowman with Missile Weapons III to get adjDX 14 for one shot per turn. As noted at ITL 45 you are expected to add attribute points until your total is around 35. The first few attributes could be in raising your DX to make difficult attacks and the next few to raise your IQ to the level required for advanced talents.
Fighter, Half-Giant, age 20 (33 CP) ST 16, DX 9, IQ 7, MA 10 Talents include: Brawling, Carousing, Crossbow, Shield, Sword Languages: Common, Giant Weapons: Dagger (1d-1), great sword (3d+1), heavy crossbow (3d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d+1) Special Ability/Weakness: Two-hex figure
Half-giants aren't fully defined in TFT, but I suggest that they can hope to reach DX 12 and IQ 11. If so this fighter will want to push up to those levels for Weapon Expertise.
A human hero (or wizard) can start with ST 8, DX 12, IQ 12 and Unarmed Combat III. This is only a punch of 1d-1, but the real power is the ability to throw foes to the ground and pin them. Then tie them up and apply Drain Strength. You don't kill because why would you kill your batteries?
Monk, Human wizard, age 20 (33 CP) ST 8, DX 12, IQ 12, MA 10 Talents include: Unarmed Combat III Spells: Acid Touch, Drain Strength, Illusion, Stalwart Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-1) Armor: Unarmed Combat III stops two hits and is -2 to be hit from front hexes
Character progression towards the ultimate martial artist requires adding 3 to ST, 1 to DX, 1 to IQ and learning Unarmed Combat IV, a total of 2,800 XPs. I.e. scores of play sessions.
The next "level" up requires adding adding another point to each of ST, DX and IQ, and learning Unarmed Combat V, which is another 9,000 XPs. This should only take another 150 or so sessions. Along the way you will have picked up many other talents and some more spells, at the cost of some delay.
The wizard monk should consider freezing ST at 8, giving up on Unarmed Combat IV, and focusing on first DX and IQ then spells. By the time the hero monk gets to Unarmed Combat V, the wizard would have say ST 8, DX 12, IQ 20, and their pick of the most powerful spells in the game.
In a world without gods this is just a fighter priest with a holy order as their "guild". Consider starting with a very fine steel blade and leave learning spells for later, but there are several non-combat talents to consider such as Charisma or Physicker.
Paladin, Reptile Person, age 20 (33 CP) ST 12, DX 11 (10), IQ 9, MA 10 Talents include: Charisma, Horsemanship, Shield, Sword, Toughness Languages: Common, Reptile Person Weapons: Dagger (1d-1), Broadsword (2d) Attacks and Damage: Claws (1d; doubled in HTH), Tail (1d) Armor: Toughness, cloth armor, and Small Shield stop 3 hits
Progression for this character might be to first bring her DX up to 14, then IQ to 11. At that point she can add on the additional talents of Priest, Expert Horsemanship, Sword (or Pole Weapons) Expertise, Shield Expertise, Physicker and so on.
Encountering an extrovert Reptile Person should be sufficiently shocking that most people stop to listen to what she has to say. It's when her limited understanding of her faith is pointed out that she'll feel the need to learn Priest (and perhaps Literacy to read her book of scripture). The privileged sort of background that would lead a Reptile Person on a holy pilgrimage to the Human lands might suggest the mundane talent of Literacy so that she can quote random passages from the holy book she carries around.
Even a basic warhorse is far beyond a starting character's level of funding, but see if your holy order can lend you a riding horse until you find that IQ 7 warhorse (ITL 89) of your dreams.
Note that with her body weight of 300 pounds (ITL 66) plus more for gear, the reptile person above can't possibly ride a walker or riding lizard and will be a very heavy load on even a saurian (ITL 90). Suggest to the GM that riding animals ought to be able to carry more weight than a dwarf and so their carrying capacity needs to be multiplied by their size in hexes.
The Ranger is listed at ITL 13. Unless you start with Woodsman you'll quickly become one of those who wanders and is lost, but IQ 11 also provides for weapons expertise, so consider this example:
Ranger, Human, age 20 (33 CP) ST 9, DX 12, IQ 11, MA 10 Talents include: Bow, Fencer, Tracking, Woodsman Weapons: Main gauche (1d), very fine rapier (1d+3), small bow (1d-1) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3) Armor: Main gauche stops one hit and is -1 to be hit Equipment: 20 arrows, backpack, labyrinth kit, ranger clothes, 2*rations, 2*waterskin, 4*torches, and zero silvers left over
The character progression is to first add three points to DX for the 2 shots/turn, then consider ST for bigger weapons, even more DX to enable armor, or build up IQ in anticipation of adding advanced talents or spells.
The SRD "Rogue" is a better match to ITL's Thief than Rogue (both at ITL 13).
See also Rogue Types in TFT
Rogue, Elf, age 20 (33 CP) ST 6, DX 15, IQ 11, MA 12 Talents include: Dagger Expertise, Remove Traps Spell: Lock/Knock Languages: Common, Elvish Weapon: 2*very fine daggers (1d+2), hidden silver dagger (1d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4) Special Ability/Weakness: Armor: Backpack stops one hit to the rear only, dagger in hand is -1 to be hit Equipment: Backpack, belt pouch (with lock-5 on it), 2*healing potions, labyrinth kit, 2*molotails, 2*rations, 3*torch, townsman clothes, 2*waterskins,$16 in coins
Note that this rogue really needs to put down his steel weapons and the backpack with the labyrinth kit before attempting his one spell at a (presumably) safe distance. In combat he will attempt to shift around to the rear hex of his target to deliver a shrewd blow for 2d+2 damage and a final adjusted DX of 15-5+4 = 14 for a 90.74% chance to hit. Adding DX with XP makes this attack useful even in the face of his enemies and increases his chances against very difficult traps. Increasing IQ improves his ability to spot traps and will enable him to eventually learn Dagger Mastery for even more devastating attacks.
The SRD's Sorcerer is the closest matching class to ITL's Wizard. Get enchanted silken robes (or just a Stone Flesh ring) when you can afford them and consider taking the Charisma talent.
Sorcerer, Goblin wizard, age 20 (33 CP) ST 6, DX 11, IQ 15, MA 10 Talents: Charisma, Literacy Spells include: 3-Hex Fire, 4-Hex Illusion, 4-Hex Image, Lightning, Reverse Missiles, Staff IV Languages: Common, Goblin Weapon: Staff IV hawthorn club (1d-1) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4) Magic Item: Staff IV: hawthorn club(1d occult)
To match a SRD Wizard class take Literacy instead of Charisma, maintain a wizard's chest and gather all the scrolls and spellbooks you can find.
Apprentice, Gargoyle wizard, age 20 (33 CP) ST 13, DX 11, IQ 8, MA 8/16 Talents: Literacy, Pole Weapons Spells: Blur, Staff Languages: Common, Gargoyle Weapon: Silver Halberd Staff (2d) Attacks and Damage: Stony hands (2d) Armor: Stony skin stops three hits Magic Item: Silver Halberd Staff (1d occult)
I envision a godendag to be a suitably brutal weapon for a gargoyle. It has the advantage over a stony hands attack because of jab reach, charge attack, and in being a magic item. The occult zap has less range than a Pole Weapons jab, but is useful against creatures that aren't hurt by magic weapons such as green slimes.
Progression for this character might be say DX up to 14, IQ to the racial maximum of 10 then add spells and talents.
This doesn't really exist in TFT, but see if you can talk the GM into letting you save 100 (of the 500 total) XP to learn a spell related to the ones you already know.
See The Druid's Animal Companion" for some suggestions along these lines.
This is covered under Iron, Silver, and Magic (ITL 140).
All characters in TFT can trivially multiclass, save for the Hero/Wizard distinction.
Under the SRD these are supposed to be add-on classes after a character has several levels in their base class so some of the following examples have extra experience and gear.
There isn't a lot of support for instant enchantments on arrows other than getting the party's goblin witch to cast Brand (ITL 158) on the arrow, but perhaps this will suit you, until you roll a 17 or 18 and then need a new party.
Daniele Boom - Arcane Archer, Half-Elf, age 20 (33 CP) ST 9, DX 9, IQ 14, MA 10 Talents include: Bow, Missile Weapons III, Pole Weapons, Tracking, Woodsman Spell: Explosive Gem Language: Common Weapons: Javelin (1d-1), small bow (1d-1, adjDX 12) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3) Equipment: 13 steel-tipped arrows, 7 silver-tipped arrows with 8d explosive gems embedded in their arrowheads, backpack, labyrinth kit, ranger clothes, 2*rations, 2*waterskin, 4*torches
Note that the archer must know the spell herself so that she "may handle (the explosive gems) without danger." (ITL 27) My calculation of the cost is $10 for a silver arrow, $50 for the gem, and $40 to get 40 ST Aided from a group of Apprentices.
This is TFT's Rogue or Assassin/Spy (ITL 13), combined with the range of the Lock/Knock spell, or perhaps Telekinesis, or a wizard as below.
Arcane Trickster, Orc wizard, age 25 (122 CP) ST 8, DX 14, IQ 17, MA 10 Talents include: Dagger Expertise, Detect Traps, Literacy Spells include: Lock/Knock, Reveal/Conceal, Silent Movement, Staff V, Telekinesis Languages: Common, Orcish, Sorcerers' Tongue Weapon: Staff V silver dagger (1d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4) Armor: Stone Flesh ring stops 4 hits, Dagger Expertise is -1 to be hit Magic Items: * Staff V (Mana: 6): silver dagger (1d+2 occult) * Stone Flesh ring
See ITL's Adept (ITL 13). To best match this class ask if you can take a Thrown Spells talent that would be say IQ 14, costs 3 memory points for hero or wizard and extends thrown spell range from minus one per hex to minus one per megahex.
Archmage, Dwarf wizard, age 50 (300 CP) ST 10, DX 13, IQ 18, MA 10 Talents: Alchemy, Literacy Spells include: 4-Hex Image, 7-Hex Fire, 7-Hex Illusion, 7-Hex Shadow, 7-Hex Wall, Control Person, Create Gate, Long-Distance Telepathy, Mage Sight, Spellsniffer, Staff V, Teleport, Wizard's Wrath, Write Scroll Languages: Dwarvish, Sorcerers' Tongue Weapon: Staff V bone maul (1d+1) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3) Armor: Silken robes enchanted to stop 4 hits, Blur ring -4 to be hit Magic Items: * Staff V (Mana: 20): bone maul (1d+2 occult) with 25 point powerstone * Silken robes enchanted to stop 4 hits * Blur ring -4 to be hit Special note:Has a half-gate back to the Wizards' Guild ready to be completed with a Create Gate cast anywhere.
See ITL's Assassin/Spy (ITL 13).
Assassin, Human, age 28 (74 CP) ST 9, DX 13 (12), IQ 14, MA 10 Talents include: Disguise, Literacy, Fencer, Stealth, Streetwise Spell: Lock/Knock Languages: Common, Dragon, Elvish, Fog Runes, Thieves' Argot Weapons: enchanted very fine main gauche (1d+1), very fine rapier (1d+3) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3) Armor: Enchanted water armor and enchanted very fine main gauche stops 8 hits Magic Items: * water armor, enchanted +2 hits * very fine main gauche enchanted to stop +2 hits
A single rear shrewd blow should down any target, but it's best to add Weapon Poison to be sure.
Mostly the same as the Paladin above, just "evil".
Blackguard, Centaur, age 25 (81 CP) ST 14, DX 14 (10), IQ 11, MA 24 (14) Talents include: Charisma, Pole Weapons Expertise, Priest, Shield, Sword Languages: Centaur, Elvish Weapons: fine dagger (1d), Bastard sword (2d+1), Cavalry Lance (3d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-1), Kick(1d) Armor: Chainmail barding and small shield stops four hits
Note that the 127.2 pounds of weapons and armor above (not counting anything else) is already a massive load so you really do need to multiply carrying capacity by the size in hexes. If so MA would be 18 and adjDX would be 12.
TFT allows for a human to be polymorphed into a 1-hex dragon, but your GM may apply penalties for "Such a creature will not be used to flight" as per ITL 25 until some sort of being a dragon talent is purchased. TFT Dragons are not spellcasters so this route is more suitable for a hero than a wizard.
Polymorped to 1-hex dragon, Human, age 20 (33 CP) ST 11, DX 11, IQ 10, MA 6/10 Talents: Acute Hearing, Flying, Literacy, Naturalist, Tracking, Unarmed Combat I Languages: Common, Draconian Attacks and Damage: Breath (1d-1), Claw (1d-1), Tail Armor: Scales stop 1 hit per attack
Here I assume that Flying is a two point talent that overcomes the unfamiliarity with flight. Character progression is to first buy the missing ST and DX points, then work up all three attributes until 2-hex is reached. The claw damage is minus one point due to being under base ST and then plus one for the talent.
This is TFT's Blademaster or Rogue (ITL 13) with the Fencing talent.
Duelist, Elf, age 25 (40 CP) ST 10, DX 13 (12), IQ 13, MA 14 Talents include: Acrobatics, Acute Hearing, Fencer, Running, Tactics Languages: Common, Elvish Weapons: very fine main gauche (1d+2), fine saber (2d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3) Special Ability/Weakness: Armor: Cloth armor stops 1 hit
I have taken Running as the closest match to mobility.
Defender, Dwarf, age 30 (42 CP) ST 12, DX 12 (9), IQ 11, MA 10 (6) Talents include: Acrobatics, Shield Expertise, Pole Weapons Expertise, Toughness Language: Dwarvish Weapons: Very Fine Spear (1d+3) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-2) Armor: Toughness, small shield and chainmail stops 6 hits, -2 to be hit from the front
If the GM rules that Acrobatics and Weapons Expertise require an adjDX of 12 then this character would need three more points of adjusted DX, most likely from reducing ST down to 10, and possibly reducing armor to leather. If so use Fencer with the saber instead of the spear jab. This character can stand in a fire hex for a full minute, at a DX reduction.
A fighter of some sort with silver weapons and armor and a high enough IQ to cast spells while wielding weapons, or a wizard with a broad set of talents like this:
Eldritch Knight, Human wizard, age 43 (102 CP) ST 9, DX 12, IQ 17, MA 10 Talents include: Acrobatics, Courtly Graces, Fencer, Horsemanship, Literacy Spells include: 7-Hex Fire, Spellsniffer, Staff V Languages: Common, Sorcerers' Tongue Weapons: Silver main gauche (1d-1), Staff V silver rapier (1d+1) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3) Magic Item: Staff V (Mana: 6) silver rapier (1d+2 occult)
A Cleric with Theologian (ITL 44).
Hierophant, Half-Orc wizard, age 48 (146 CP) ST 8, DX 12, IQ 20, MA 10 Talents include: Literacy, Theologian Spells include: Geas, 7-Hex Fire, Mage Sight, Megahex Avert, Regeneration, Revival, Staff IV, Trance, Word of Command - Believe, Zombie Languages: Common, Orcish, Sorcerers' Tongue Weapon: Staff V hazel maul (1d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4) Magic Item: Staff V (Mana: 10): hazel maul (1d+2 occult), with Light enchantment
A Ranger with Expert Naturalist and other advanced talents.
Horizon Walker, Merman, age 20 (33 CP) ST 9, DX 12, IQ 11, MA 10 Talents include: Knife, Pole Weapons Expertise, Swimming, Woodsman Languages: Common, Fog Runes Weapons: fine dagger (1d), javelin (1d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3)
Here I have taken Swimming as the reverse talent which negates half of the -4 DX penalty for walking on land. He would still need a Fresh Water helm to breathe on land. A Water Breathing potion would only help for 10 minutes. He also wears really thick glasses to adjust between looking through water and air.
In TFT terms this is a wizard with Scholar and other talents. At high levels of advancement talents become relatively affordable for a wizard and there is no maximum limit on the number that can be added.
Loremaster, Goblin wizard, age 20 (33 CP) ST 6, DX 9, IQ 17, MA 10 Talents include: Alchemy, Scholar Spells include: 7-Hex Fire, Scrying, Spellsniffer, Staff III Languages: Common, Goblin, Sorcerers' Tongue Weapon: Staff III fir maul (1d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4)
This can be modeled as a Wizard Priest who learns additional spells.
Mystic Theurge, Human wizard, age 45 (85 CP) ST 8, DX 12, IQ 16, MA 10 Talents include: Detect Lies, Literacy, Theologian Spells include: Blur, Lightning, Magic Rainstorm, Remove Thrown Spell, Reverse Missiles, Staff III, Staff to Snake Languages: Common, Sorcerers' Tongue Weapon: Staff III aspen maul (1d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4)
This is a TFT thief with the Stealth talent and perhaps some spells.
Shadowdancer, Human, age 23 (35 CP) ST 9, DX 12, IQ 13, MA 10 Talents include: Acrobatics, Dancer, Fencer, Silent Movement Spell: Dark Vision Weapons: main gauche (1d), rapier (1d+1) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3) Special note: Puts the steel weapons down once an hour to cast Dark Vision.
In TFT terms this is a wizard with Summon Demon.
Thaumaturgist, Elf wizard, age 30 (40 CP) ST 6, DX 15, IQ 15, MA 12 Talents: Literacy, Priest Spells include: 4-Hex Illusion, Avert, Create Gate, Invisibility, Lightning, Pentagram, Staff IV, Summon Lesser Demon Languages: Common, Elvish Weapon: Staff IV pine maul (1d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4)
Note that at least three apprentices are needed to Aid ST for the summon.
A fairly standard TFT wizard.
Adept, Human wizard, age 20 (33 CP) ST 11, DX 12, IQ 9, MA 10 Talents: Literacy, Priest, Quarterstaff Spells: Aid, Fire, Light, Staff Weapon: Staff I quarterstaff (1d+2) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-2)
A TFT hero with Courtly Graces and other relevant talents.
Aristocrat, Human, age 20 (33 CP) ST 10, DX 11, IQ 11, MA 10 Talents include: Area Knowledge, Courtly Graces, Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Horsemanship, Literacy, Recognize Value, Sword Languages: Common, Elvish Weapon: Very fine sabre (2d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3)
An NPC with at best one weapon and the presumed talent to use it.
Commoner, Hobgoblin, age 20 (29 CP) ST 9, DX 10, IQ 9, MA 10 Talents: Alertness, Animal Handler, Axe/Mace, Climbing, Thrown Weapons Language: Goblin Weapon: hatchet (1d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-3)
An NPC with Mundane Talents.
Expert, Human, age 20 (33 CP) ST 8, DX 11, IQ 13, MA 10 Talents include: Astrologer, Chemist, Scholar, Writing Languages: Common, Elvish, Sorcerers' Tongue Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-4)
A standard TFT fighter.
Warrior, Human, age 20 (33 CP) ST 12, DX 11, IQ 9, MA 12 Talents include: Brawling, Crossbow, Running, Shield, Sword, Toughness Weapons: dagger (1d-1), broadsword (2d), light crossbow (2d) Attacks and Damage: Punch (1d-1) Armor: Toughness and small shield stop 2 hits
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