Hcobb's TFT House Rulings

All page references are to The Fantasy Trip In the Labyrinth rulebook, unless noted otherwise.

A collection of my own musings, not to be taken too seriously. -HJC

First apply everything in The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition Errata then consider the following.


GM Screen

Combat with Bare Hands

Missing +1 damage for "fighter in hand-to-hand combat" from ITL 122.

Long Range Missile Fire

Missing maximum range for missile spells which is the lesser of ITL 125 (low powered spell) and ITL 135 (wimpy wizard).

Recovery From Injury

Physickers aren't able to cure a disease by putting a bandage on it, but can help with long term recovery.

DX Bonuses and Penalties

Target is Blurred needs a minus sign.

Target is a multi-hex figure in flight -1 has no basis in the rulebook, but see the height penalties at ITL 104 "Missile/thrown weapon/missile spell fire at targets overhead (e.g., up on a cliff, or flying) is at -1 DX for every 10 feet of vertical distance" and the Oversized Targets adjustments at ITL 116.

DX Adjustment for Thrown Spell/Weapon Range includes "roll to miss", which does not apply to Thrown Spell as per "no chance of hitting the wrong target" at ITL 115.

Knocked down last turn: Just ignore "DX = 0 for most purposes;"

Missing "Most flying creatures may attack foes on the ground. This attack will also be at -4 DX" from ITL 133

Fighter using a weapon in each hand and striking with both in the same turn: -4 on both attacks Does not match to "If you take an attack option, you can also make a separate dagger attack against the same enemy. It is rolled at -4 DX." ITL 111, "A figure with the Two Weapons talent can fight effectively with a regular weapon in each hand. A person who does not have this talent may attempt the same feat, but his DX will be -6 for each attack" ITL 111, and "attack with both weapons, at normal DX for the first attack and -4 for the second one" ITL 41.

A similar version of this table appears on page 7 of the Wizard Spell Reference Booklet with the following errors with respect to a pure Melee/Wizard game:

Recovery from injury

Physicker entries should add "with kit" to the end of both lines.

"Revival Spell/Potion: Revives dead character to zero ST" as per ITL pages 10 and 33.

Table is missing the immediate action ability of the Lesser Wish.

Talent Reference Handout

General Gameplay

Contests (Opposed Rolls) -pg 8

Any side that fails their roll (by say rolling an automatic failure) can't win the contest. If all sides fail but one or more sides rolls a critical failure then the GM gets to have fun. If a side doesn't fail their roll then count the full difference between the number rolled and their adjusted attribute to determine their margin of success. A roll of four will double the margin of success, but if the adjusted stat is five or less this is then just one doubled to two. A roll of three triples the margin of success, but if the stat is five or less this is just two tripled to six.

Critical Success and Failure -pg 9

Spells attempted at adjDX zero or less always fail, cost the full ST, and have no other effect.

Recovery from Exhaustion -pg 9

Any fatigue costs that drive adjST below zero (such as say Berserking on page 121) are taken as damage hits, not fatigue. However existing fatigue isn't converted to hits at this point. So a figure could use up all of their ST as fatigue and then take four hits damage, and then rest up five fatigue over the next 75 minutes and then walk away.

A human loses one fatigue point for every hour less than six of sleep they've had in the last 24 hours. Ordinary rest won't recover this. Each hour of sleep recovers two of these sleep deprived points and additional sleep past that counts as rest to recover additional fatigue. I.e. two hours of sleep each night will settle at four fatigue down while less will accumulate a deficit that can eventually kill. Healing potions will recover sleep deprivation fatigue, but overuse has driven many good wizards mad.

Death -pg 10

Aging -pg 10

At each of these loss intervals the character can either spend 500 XP or chance a aging roll. The aging roll is a 4/ST health roll. On a triple success skip the next two rolls. On a double success skip the next roll. On a failure lose one attribute point or gain a one point handicap. On double or triple failures lose additional points.

Example a ST 40 giant takes an aging roll on his 50th birthday. He needs to roll 40 or less on seven dice (+1 die per hex as per Health rolls), a 59% chance of success by the saving throw table.

Selecting Attributes -pg 15

Adding (or losing) additional IQ after character creation does not add (or subtract) memory points.

Gates -pg 56

My house rules to untangle gate abuses.

Jobs -pg 57

The listed rates of progression imply that a character gets around 2 XP per week at their job (or 4 XP/week for dangerous jobs). That's 100 XP a year and a promotion to the next higher job category every five years. Real go getters add two adventures of 50 XP each per year over the holidays for a total of 200 XPs a year.

Delete the "Army/police auxiliary" job. Lots of different talents are hired as auxiliaries. In each case take the non-Dangerous Job, double their salary for danger pay and increase the risk spread by one point.

More Skilled Work
AlchemistDX 15, Alchemist, Literacy.
"Pays $100/week, or whatever you can make by making and selling potions"
Silver ArmourerGoldsmith, Literacy, Master Armourer$2003/18
More Wizard's Jobs
Mystic ArmourerDX 12, Analyze Magic, Literacy, Weapon/Armor Enchantment$1503/18
EnchanterDX 12, Literacy, Lesser Magic Item Creation$2503/18
Senior EnchanterDX 12, Literacy, Greater Magic Item Creation$3503/18
Gate MaintainerDX 12, Aid, Literacy, Create Gate, Staff, Ward$1504/17
Hedge WizardNaturalist, Staff$754/16

Guilds -pg 60

The $1 per fatigue point for spell casting at the Wizards' Guild only applies for the three fatigue the wizard can rest up the remainder of the hour. Any fatigue above that has to either be provided by the customer (Drain Strength only provides one for five, but Aid is nice), or from the wizard's or guildhall's stored mana (if available) at $5 per point. There is usually a line in front of the guildhall each morning offering donors $1 for every 5 ST aid'ed or 25 ST drained. The guild has very tight restrictions on demon summoning. Asking for forbidden spells tends to incur a lasting negative reaction modifier.

Weight Carried

Divide weight carried for encumbrance for figures smaller and larger than human by their size in hexes

Size in hexesST rangeHealth rollsExamples
Load divisor
1/12th1 -1 dieRat, small spider
1/6th2-3 -1 dieHousecat, small monkey, tiny dog
¼4-6 -1 dieSmall dog, large monkey, dragonet, scorpion
½6-7 -1 dieLarge snake, medium dog, giant scolopendra
6-12 -1 dieWolf, large dog, goblin, halfling
1.06-24 listed diceHuge dog, Human, elf, dwarf (who carry doubled loads), orc
1.512-24 +1 dieDire wolf, gargoyle, reptile person, donkey, jaguar, troll 
2.014-38 +2 diceMule, horse, centaur, lion
3.024-50 +3 diceGiant, ogre

And use this table for adjusting MA by load for non-humanoids

ST multiple
0 - 2x100%No penaltyNo penalty
up to 3x100%No penalty-2 DX
up to 4x100%No penalty-5 DX
up to 5x90%No penaltyN/A
up to 6x80%No penaltyN/A
up to 7x70%-1 DXN/A
up to 8x60%-1 DXN/A
up to 9x50%-2 DXN/A
up to 10x40%-2 DXN/A

Example: When carrying 80 pounds load a ST 12 Halfling is at (80/0.6667) = 120/12 or 10x ST, a ST 12 Human is at 80/12 or 6.67x ST, a ST 12 Reptile Woman is at 80/(1.5 * 12) or 4.44x ST and a ST 14 Centaur is at 80/(2.0 * 14) or 2.86x ST.

A Light Horse ST 20, DX 13, IQ 5, MA 30 (page 88) carries a 150 pound rider, 15.0 pound Saddle and bridle, and 35 pounds of gear. Total load is 200 pounds, which is 200/(2.0 * 20) or 5xST. MA is reduced 90% from 30 for adjMA 27.

A "Dire Wolf" (actually Epicyon, not Canis dirus) has ST 16 and MA 12. A 70 pound ST 6 Goblin plus 30 pounds of other items is 100 pounds, which is adjusted to 4.17xST, for 90% of MA 12 or adjMA 10 on land.

A hex can comfortably hold up to 1.0 "hex worth" of critters. So a dozen rats can occupy one hex without crowding.

Armor Weight and Cost -pg 66

Also multiply armor costs by these percentages.

Weights of Characters -pg 66

Using ability to lift weight as a measure of a creature's health breaks down for very small and very large races. Apply the following modifiers based on a figure's size.

"Health saves" include roll X dice against ST or take additional damage. Note that in this case only the saving throw is modified, not the dice of damage from failing to make the roll. Also included are saving throws against disease (page 83), but not tests of ST as physical force (say to escape a Bloodtree or Kraken), except when the resistance of the force is provided by the figure's own mass as a power to weight ratio test (such as pulling yourself out of a pit on page 104 or jumping over the pit with just your own body).

Equipment -pg 65

Arrow/bolt quivers are worn on the belt as per Melee page 11 if the figure has a shield or backpack on their back. Even though we don't count the weight and cost of the quiver it still counts as one of the two large items on the belt (the other being the sword scabbard, which again has no cost or weight).

The belt pouch can hold 60 cubic inches of material of up to five pounds. So That's one filled waterskin (which you'd carry as a small item on the belt otherwise), or two days rations, or one scroll, or one book (which sticks out of the top), or four healing potions, or 500 coins, etc.

Characters who strap more junk than allowed to their belts are at least one additional die to save against falling, dodging other falling things, evading traps, and other acrobatics. Possibly more. Characters don't have to have sword scabbards of course. They can just drop their sword or shield on the ground every time they open a door instead of kicking it in.

Extra medium sized weapons, two handed weapons, shields, boomerangs and so forth can be carried on the back in some manner that works both with and without backpacks (a baldric, typically) and brought to hand with options "(e) READY NEW WEAPON" and "(m) CHANGE WEAPONS". A quiver worn on top of a backpack can be placed on the ground in the archer's hex for easy access or the archer can spend an action to reach around his backpack to ready each arrow.

Example of Weight Carried -pg 66

Greymalkin's silver sword is obviously his staff also, otherwise he'd have to disarm himself in order to cast spells at IQ level. Therefore delete the wooden staff. Given that he's only carrying a single torch this is obviously a Brand as per page 158. Should he need both hands to cast spells at IQ level he can safely drop this as a free action anywhere there isn't standing water and it will remain lit. In order to avoid the magnetic spell casting penalty his dagger must also be silver. The Labyrinth Kit is also full of iron bits so replace this with 50 yards of rope and just use spells such as: Fire, Telekinesis or Flight, and Lock/Knock.

Equipment Table -pg 67

An oil lantern will actually burn two days on a quart of standard quality oil. The lantern itself only holds eight ounces and so must be refilled every twelve hours. High quality lanterns used with high quality oil (at five times price each) last twice as long on the same quantity of oil, but are +2 DX to dodge when used for molitails.

Take the square root of the candles you are burning. This is the number of hexes from the light source to the target for each -1 to vision. (Remember that once the penalty gets to -6 you don't see nothing.) This is after your eyes adjust. If you move from full sunlight to a torch lit room all you will see will be the torch for a while.

Item Candle power Range for -1 on vision Notes
Candle 1x 1 hex $1 2oz blows out easily, lasts 12 hours
Candle lantern 1x 1 hex $10 1.0lb protects one candle against the wind
Small Torch 25x 5 hexes $1 0.5lb Only lasts an hour, does 1d-2 damage.
Oil lantern 36x 6 hexes Too fragile to hit monsters with
Large Torch 100x 10 hexes $10 3.0lb Only lasts an hour, does one point less damage than a club. (Half damage rolled if target is fireproof.)
Full sunlight 7800x - Less on cloudy days, etc.

Remember that this is the distance from the light source to the target. So if a human is holding a large torch she would be at an additional -1 (over normal range penalties) to see and therefore hit a goblin standing in the dark at the other end of the Wizard map, but the goblin has no visual penalty to shoot at the large torch holding human. If a human party was holding four large torches then they would illuminate clearly out to 19 hexes and only suffer a minus one at the twentieth hex.

Very large objects can be seen at a further distance. Divide the distance by the height or the width in hexes (whichever is less) of the target. For example a castle with 32 foot high walls (8 hexes) which is lit by four large torches can be just seen at 6x8xsqrt(4)x10 -1 or 959 hexes away. The torches themselves can be seen four times as far away (three miles) as a flickering source of light, with no details. Of course fog or other conditions can greatly reduce these ranges.

Did He See It? -pg 68

A second search takes 6 rather than 12 turns, as per the table on page 70. The initial walking by roll and the first detailed search are at the printed number of dice. Add one die for each additional search or two dice if the character doesn't have a specific talent like Naturalist or Detect Traps (talent needed depends on what is hidden there). Alertness is a general scanning, not a specific search talent for this.

Traps -pg 71

The high DX rolls needed to dodge darts and arrows are not due to any enchantments but rather that the trap maker has psychologically maneuvered the targets directly into the field of fire. Hence the hours of work needed to set the trap up just right for each new location.


Please note that the spells listed in the "Wizard Spell Reference Booklet" are a subset of the ITL spell list and with different descriptions. The two lists are not interchangeable. You can take any Wizard boardgame wizard and use them in ITL, but they will be sub-optimal builds.

No age 20 player character starts with any IQ 15 or higher spells. No matter how bright they are they simply haven't had time for enough training.

As noted ITL 18, non-wizards lack full understanding of magic and so suffer the Magical Backlash results from TFT Companion page 21 on a roll of 17 or 18. Wizards only suffer on a roll of 18 which they treat the same as a non-wizard rolling 17.

IQ 8 Spells -pg 18

Blur doesn't stack with other visual DX modifiers such as Dazzle and Shadow. Simply apply the maximum DX subtraction. Blur does however work against all senses so short of a figure using Mage Sight it suffers at least a -4 DX adjustment against a Blured target. Note that the subject of a Blur spell doesn't suffer a DX penalty to cast spells, or whatever, on himself.

Detect Magic doesn't reveal if the target is capable of spell casting. A wizard's staff is always magic, but the wizard himself rarely is. On a critical failure the GM may lie about the results. Once a wizard is convinced that a mundane object is magical he will fool himself into always detecting magic of course.

Drop Weapon affects one item held in the target's hand. The caster gets to choose which of two (or more if many handed) items the target drops, but it also works on a single two-(or more?)-handed weapon.

Light can be cast on a three inch radius part (or less if the object is smaller) of anything to cast as much light as a small torch and causes no ill effects to the target. People might not react well to a wizard with one glowing eye however.

Slow Movement rounds up final MA. This spell can never by itself totally stop a target. This spell also halves total height for calculating falling damage.

A wizard can't cast the Staff spells from a book. "This spell is used to [enchant any one item of the proper shape and material (see page 148) that the wizard holds up and waves like a staff, rod or wand] into a [magical] staff. [This gesture is a spell requirement. The use of the other hand and voice is only required if the staff spell variant cast is within 1 IQ of the wizard's (c.f. Gestures and Incantations on page 142).]" It usually costs no fatigue to use the wizard's Staff as a mundane weapon of whatever its physical form is. For a classic wizard's staff this would be a maul that requires no talent to strike adjacent targets at full DX and does at least 1d-1 of damage when wielded two handed. See page 122 for more details about clubs/mauls. A wizard's Staff extends the reach of the wizard's touch for casting spells. This negates range penalties for thrown spells to the touched subject and has a few other effects as noted, but this also requires a separate to-hit roll to apply the staff to an unwilling target. If the touch roll fails in this case then the thrown spell is not attempted this turn. A wand, javelin, one-handed club or sword can touch to an adjacent hex in front of the wizard while a spear, quarterstaff, two handed sword, or classic two-handed maul staff can reach two hexes. No further reach is possible. The occult strike of a staff is not a missile spell and so by ITL 120 can't be aimed a specific body part. This occult strike is treated as a thrown spell without range modifiers in almost all cases, blocked by anything that blocks thrown spells, and effective against anything that can be hurt or damaged by a missile spell, enchanted weapon, or thrown spell. For example it can never hit an unintended target. Each level of the Staff spell gives the staff itself that many dice of resistance to lightning. I.e. a Staff V rolls five dice fewer than the strength of the bolt. If the staff is also enchanted with immunity to lightning it will subtract even more dice. The actual immunity enchantment would also apply to the wizard and other items he carried, so long as he wore or wielded the staff, but the staff's extra innate protection only applies to itself. The three dice of explosion damage are occult and so not stopped by non-magical protections, but this explosion also doesn't hurt anyone but the offender. A staff's occult strikes can be used to tunnel through rock at the Magic Fist rate(see page 71), but without splinters.

IQ 9 Spells -pg 18

Aid added ST is used up before native ST for fatigue costs such as spell casting and the Drain Strength spell, but hits of damage are scored against native ST. The Aid spell can keep the target artificially alive but actually unfatigued, but it will not restore fatigue already marked against the figure. The added points last for two of the recipient's actions. The recipient can "kite" Aided ST by constantly recasting the spell on himself until he fails twice in a row. (Each failure would leak a point of course.) Note that there is a limit of five attribute points that that any figure can be magically boosted by through any combination of methods, including the Aid spell (c.f. ITL 162). Any additional ST Aided past this limit counts only as excess fatigue points that must be used within two actions or be lost. In addition to a limit of five total Aided attribute points (bonus fatigue doesn't count), the Aid spell (along with other methods) can't bring adjDX above 14 (after adjusting for armor, wounds, etc.)

Note that double and triple results from casting Aid extend the duration of the bonus, but not the amount granted. You can't use a +2 Charm to generate unlimited ST.

A figure subject to multiple Avert spells must move so as to satisfy as many of them as possible. The priority is to not move towards an aversion. Surrounded by aversions the figure would stop in place. Note that this is conscious movement. You can't avert a figure into floating in midair if they don't have some sort of flight. Aversion is a line of sight effect. It doesn't constrain movements when neither the averted or the object of aversion can directly see the other. If the averted chooses to resist moving into a dangerous location they need to save on 3/DX or fall in their current hex. On a critical failure they fall into the danger.

Darkness Suppresses the production (but not reflection) of visible light within its area of effect by splitting visible photons into the infrared. This makes torches, other flames, and Fire spells blaze slightly more brightly for figures using Dark Vision. As this spell has no visible effect it is subject to secret protection.

Detect Life always costs the full fatigue cost when it fails and only works on creatures big enough to qualify for a hit point. I.e. around half a pound of mass each. A giant slime mold would count as the cells are coordinated, even if not related. Summoned creatures are detected, but not images or illusions. The party exception is just the default. The caster may name whatever specific creatures to ignore. I.e. are there any orcs around other than that one figure? On a critical failure the GM lies.

A summoned animal or illusion can be ordered into a Fire hex, but a controlled animal (or person) would get a new saving throw each turn it was ordered to enter or stay within fire. An image would be destroyed by the first hit of fire while an image of fire would be destroyed by touching it.

Look Your Best: The change is entirely in the mind of the observer so different observers of the same target figure can see different changes at the same time. Spell Shield protects against this influence.

Reveal Magic reveals the extent of any Darkness spells within its area of effect.

Summon Scout: If the scout behaves normally for its type and isn't uncommon for the area then casual observers get one 5/IQ roll to notice that there is something odd about the scout when they are first spied on and whenever the wizard commands his scout to do something unnatural for its type. Subtract one die for each of Alertness, Animal Handler, and Naturalist the observers have. Add one die if the caster has Naturalist. Whatever type of creature the scout appears to be, it will have no attack, no armor and only one hit point. The scout uses the caster's IQ to resist Control Animal. If it fails the new owner knows of its nature, and if they win a second IQ contest against the original caster they determine her identity.

Turn Missiles protects against all thrown weapons, missile weapons, missile spells, random shrapnel (but not shockwaves, gas clouds, or splashes), etc. that might otherwise hit the protected figure. These do not need to be specifically aimed at the protected figure.

IQ 10 Spells -pg 20

Adhesion Can also be cast in the reverse sense to gently undo other mundane or magical bindings of no more than ST 5.

Clearheadedness is an instant spell. If the target suffers from further exertion, alcohol, Clumsiness spells, etc. it would take another casting to clear these further effects. This spell works on the brain and not the arms or the eyes so does nothing against Dazzle, DX adjustments from armor and such. This spell gives a berserker or werewolf the opportunity to take another saving throw (at 2/IQ) to snap out of their condition. This spell also cancels out existing Clumsiness and Confusion spells, but does not protect against these being cast later on the subject.

Dispel Missiles works exactly like Turn Missiles except that the missiles are teleported somewhere far away. A Quiver of Replenishment is simply rearmed while a thrown wizard's staff might lead to a considerable quest. (Or a simple recasting of Staff, depending on the value of the bling attached.)

The subject of a Far Vision spell would need some reason to examine some distant bird in the sky. This spell allows focus on only a single visual target at a time.

Lock applies to the locks on the door at the time of casting. You can't affix an additional simple mechanical lock to the door to dilute this spell. Having a matching key reduces any mechanical lock to one die difficulty, plus one die for each Lock spell cast on it. The caster may hold any number of matching keys when she casts Lock and those keys for that lock aren't hindered by the Lock spell and merely suspend, not negate the Lock spell when used. These keys will then detect for magic, but it would take something like a scrying while holding the key to determine which Lock spell(s) it is matched to.

Minor Medicament negates current allergic reactions, but as an instant spell grants no long term protection.

Magical protections such as Stone Flesh can reduce Shock Shield damage, but fur, the Toughness talent, and armored skin won't.

The Staff to Snake's ST and the staff's mana are tracked separately and do not interact. If the snake is picked up it won't explode until it reverts, but it will enter HTH combat. If the snake fails to resist Control Animal it instantly reverts back to a staff. Once active the wizard can see, hear and smell from her snake the same as she could from a creation. Treat the snake as a summoned animal in all other cases.

Snake Dance The snake must remain within the wizard's hex to grant mana access. A wizard with Acrobatics can retain her snaked staff in the same hex with both able to operate normally and at the conclusion of the spell return her staff to her hand without taking an action. Wizards without acrobatics and their snakes treat this stacking as a fallen body hex and must use a standard pick item up from ground option to retrieve the staff after the spell concludes.

Summon Myrmidon has only the IQ 7 weapon talents, whatever his starting IQ. This isn't a summon Physicker spell. The "regular weapons and armor" are non-silver, non-fine, not enchanted and non-missile, but may be thrown. The rules from Melee page 4 apply here: "A figure may carry only two weapons (plus a dagger) at a time; a shield counts as a weapon". All of this gear vanishes when the spell lapses.

Creations of the caster of a Trailtwister are also not confused.

The wizard must touch all of the hexes to be Warded. By using the two hex reach of a two handed staff a wizard can ward both entrances of the Wizard map without stepping outside the 15 hex radius.

IQ 11 Spells -pg 21

The subject figure and his clothing, armor and held items gain immunity to all acids while under the Acid Touch spell.

The casting of Conceal/Reveal is done secretly. The caster is only informed of how much ST they expended in the casting. If they didn't have enough ST then they only lose one point and the spell fails.

Control Animal works on summoned animals as well as real animals. The categories that Control Animal works on include the Riding Animals(page 88), except that Unicorns and dolphins roll one less die to resist and Cold Horses are unknown, the Beasts(page 90), (normal, not undead banshee), Giant Insects and Other Crawlies(page 94) and Water Creatures(page 96) that have IQ 2 or higher, Rats(page 99), Bats(page 100), and Piranhakeets(page 100). Note that this spell only controls one animal at a time and that the cost is multiplied for figures larger than one hex in size.

Create Wall matches the material of the wood, ice, earth, rock or stonework under it, and hence has the same resistance to damage. Note that while this spell must cover an entire hex it doesn't have to be all the same height. A reasonable staircase can be created that rises three feet per hex of wall. For example seven hexes of wall can be cast (with multiple castings or just the 7-hex wall spell) to create a staircase that rises 3 feet, then 6 feet, then 9 feet, then (double hex) 12 feet, then (double hex) 15 feet. See Combat on Stairs on page 119.

Created wall is a manifestation of the magical principle of immovability. It does not have any actual potential energy to harvest. If moved or toppled it vanishes instead.

Ferment has no effect on larger living things.

Persuasiveness only works if the listeners understand your language, and is blocked by the Spell Shield.

The magic Rope (if it appears at all) always entangles the figure the wizard selects, even when multiple figures are in the same hex. It is theorized that just like sending a creation into HTH the wizard can feel whom it is that the rope touches.

Scour can prepare a silver hand mirror for a Scrying spell.

IQ 12 Spells -pg 23

Analyze Magic: The 17 or 18 here assumes a 3/DX roll. Should Conceal add several dice to the roll then the chances of a critical failure would be much higher. Once a wizard has convinced himself that an item has specific magical properties then he will always determine the same thing on a recasting, so it's safer to get an independent analysis if you can. Can be cast on figures as well as objects, but always costs 4 fatigue if it succeeds or fails.

The wizard may use Drain Strength to recharge his own staff or a powerstone he is holding. The conversion rate is five fatigue drained from the subject for every one mana recharged in the item. Note that this is five times as effective as charging mana from the wizard's own ST and then recharging the wizard with Drain Strength.

Replace the once a day limit of Pathfinder with the general divination rule below.

IQ 13 Spells -pg 25

In my games the Bind Spirit spell (Fantasy Gamer #4, page 28) is an enchantment, not a spell. Enchant the item with the same costs as an Amulet Against the specific type of spirit (ITL 160), but instead as an Amulet Binding that type of spirit. Then a character who knows at least one spell (for the basic magic control) expends one fatigue while wearing or holding the item and attempting to "touch" the spirit with their hand, the item, or their staff. If the contact is successful (a to-hit roll, but no damage) the spirit gets a 3/IQ saving roll to resist the binding. This IQ save can be made a die or two harder if the spirit is distracted. (GM's option.)

A failure to save against Control Elemental breaks the initial control provided by Create Elemental. Once free of all control spells the elemental is independent.

Control Person also works on Centaurs (doubled cost for a two-hex target as usual), Giants (tripled cost as above), etc.

A suitable hand mirror for a Scrying spell would be solid silver, four inches square, a fifth of an inch thick. One pound, $200. Cast the Scour spell on it before each use. Even in the best circumstances such a device could yield no better than a 6 point success, with a limited field of view. The caster's Dark Vision, Mage Sight, Alertness, Naturalist, Acute Hearing, etc. all apply to Scrying results. Telepathy, Artist/Calligrapher, etc. will help convey what the caster perceived, but will reveal little new information. Roll one additional die to identify a species of tree or whatever from a drawing of a tree as compared to viewing a tree through Scrying.

A specially prepared deck of Tarot cards ($50, 0.2 pounds with case) can be used for Scrying. Procedure takes a minute to cast and success is limited to two points, but the vulnerability to counter scrying only exists while the cards are out of their case.

The -2 DX for being under a Flight spell is in addition to the modifiers listed on page 133 and is overcome by learning the Flight Expertise talent(below). A figure under the influence of a flight spell has the same encumbrance rules as when on the ground. So if you cast flight on your giantess friend (at triple cost for being a 3-Hex figure) then she'll be able to carry a lot more than just 100 pounds.

Replace the once a day limit of Scrying with the general divination rule below.

Staff III Note that the +3 bonus is only on the to-hit roll itself. This precise mana based targeting doesn't adjust the wizard's DX for order of action. The wizard is at a visual -2 to hit targets to his side and -4 to hit targets in his rear, but these are capped with the other visual penalties to a limit of -6. (Or -4 if the wizard has Acute Hearing against a target that doesn't have silent movement.) Eyes-Behind effects would help negate this visual modifier as per other attacks.

Stone Flesh (and Iron and Diamond) is very uncomfortable under armor. Double the DX penalty for all armor (but not shields) worn while under this spell. Note that this can be cast in a hostile sense to hinder an enemy, but only by making him almost invulnerable to attack.

The subject of a Stop spell can change facing, but not altitude. This change is gentle enough to not damage someone in free fall. The restart into falling after the spell expires is also gentle enough to remove 10 yards from the remaining falling damage, if any. Flying figures are at their usual half-MA for "takeoff" on their first turn after being stopped in midair. A figure would fall about 125 yards towards Earth in the five seconds it takes to cast this spell. Subtract 10 yards for every point in your margin of success over zero when casting this spell on yourself.

Telekinesis Rewrite to: "The subject of this spell can be manipulated as if the caster was herself holding it. Any constant action such as moving in a straight line or maintaining a pin on the subject (page 117) is a free action. But any new action such as attacking with a weapon or making an attempt to pin the subject requires a step and concentrate action by the caster. All manipulation of the subject is at the thrown spell minus one per hex. For example cast this spell on a dagger lying on the ground three hexes away at -3 DX adjustment. Next turn step towards the dagger and move it a half move of five hexes forwards and then throw it (ending the spell) a further three hexes at a (seven hexes to the throwing spot and then three more hexes to the target) -10 DX adjustment. An attempt to telekinetically grab an object out of another figure's hand is rolled as a contest of the defender's DX against the spellcasting roll. The stronger figure adds a third of the ST difference (round down) to their margin of success, but only if they make their DX roll."

IQ 14 Spells -pg 27

Duplicate Writing always costs 2 fatigue on a failed roll.

A one die Explosive Gem requires a gem worth at least $50. This required gem value doubles with each additional die of damage. Therefore an 8d explosive gem requires a $6400 gem, which are very rare.

You can't hire a gaggle of apprentices to make an 8d Explosive Gem because on a roll of 18 you fall down, and they'd be caught in the explosion.

Glamour confers no invisibility. It must completely cover the full size of the subject and doesn't apply to their apparel or gear.

Restore Device costs 24 points to gather together a pile of shattered human bones so that Zombie can be cast on the restored skeleton.

Spell Shield stops only the staff's occult strike, it doesn't prevent using a wizard's staff as a two handed maul (or whatever it's physical form is) to strike the protected figure. However a wand staff would do no damage in this case. The Spell Shield is subject to secret protection, until it negates the first spell. At that point anyone who can see the protected figure is aware that it was protected at that moment. Also note that even the protected figure would be prevented from casting spells on himself (but not other non-protected targets) by a Spell Shield. Spell Shield also protects any items carried by the protected figure against Drop Weapon (spell, not talent effects), Break Weapon, Lightning damage (magical, not natural lightning), etc.

Weapon/Armor Enchantment cast on a wizard's Staff only affects damage inflicted and DX rolls for physical strikes, not occult strikes or spellcasting. A weapon with a DX boost can allow the figure wielding it to strike earlier in the turn sequence and to activate skills (such as Fencing or Weapon Mastery) that the figure has learned but the adjDX is otherwise too low. (But not for Fast-Draw, which is resolved before the weapon is wielded.) Note also the limit to magically boosted adjDX of 14 as per Attribute Enhancers(page 161). Armor and shields can also be enchanted with this spell to negate up to the (for their bulk, not the -4 on spellcasting for Iron) DX penalty for wearing them but this is rarely done because of the interaction with other attribute enhancers. (If both armor and shield had this enchantment then only the greater enchantment would be effective. If instead they were enchanted to stop additional damage then both would have full effect.) In addition to the limit of five this enchantment can't add more damage that the weapon rolls (I.e. a weapon that only rolled four damage before the enchantment would only do 8 total damage with a +5 damage enchantment) or stop more damage than the armor or shield itself stops normally. (I.e. +2 damage stopped with leather armor, to a total of four).

Like all other enchantments this is a Special, not a Thrown spell and so is subject to Dissolve Enchantment, not Remove Thrown Spell. W/AE can be cast in the reverse sense to make weapons that are harder to use (reducing DX only when striking with the weapon) or do less damage or armor that stops fewer hits (down to zero hits stopped with armor or shield) and when done so can render the objects cursed.

Weapon/Armor Enchantment provides Immunity to Break Weapon, (c.f. Wizard Reference Pages. page 4) as there is no Break Weapon enchantment.

IQ 15 Spells -pg 28

Astral Projection is blocked by the Pentagram effect of the wards magical items, not the Ward spell. Note that a wizard can pull mana out of his astral staff, but not any powerstones attached to it.

The caster can exclude known members from the effect of a Calling spell, but not specify the target to any greater detail than species. For example a necromancer octopus can lure some human other than the villagers she's tied up for Drain Strength, but can't specify that she only wants beefy warriors rather than wimpy wizards or children. She gets the nearest human outside of the group she excludes. This initial target gets a 3/IQ roll to resist the Calling and on success the next closest potential target needs to make their save and so on.

Megahex Avert never effects the caster.

Enchanted weapons can strike across the boundary of a Pentagram. A wizard can use his staff to make a mundane strike with his staff against a demon on the other side of a Pentagram. If the demon grabs the staff out of his hand the wizard gets to choose explode or not. The IQ roll to overcome a Pentagram is a contest of IQ between the creator of the Pentagram and the magical figure. The magical figure rolls one less die to overcome a pentagram for each contest of IQ it has previously beaten the caster of the pentagram in (down to a minimum of zero dice). So if your life depends on pentagram protection it is best to get it drawn by somebody else. And don't play along when a demon attempts to draw you in to a riddle contest.

A wizard with Staff IV or higher can direct the occult strike while the wizard is frozen by a Freeze spell (not enchantment) or Basilisk.

IQ 16 Spells -pg 33

Create/Destroy Elemental: The newly created elemental will obey the caster's spoken or gestured commands as best it understands them. They always understand the caster's spoken primary language. To take mental control and perceive through the elemental's senses requires control elemental.

The casting cost of the Death Spell is fatigue and can be paid from mana but the damage to the subject is in hits sufficient to render the target to -1 base ST if sufficient power is available. The limit to the amount of power that can be put into this spell is one more than the caster's base ST, which could kill the caster if he didn't have a mana supply. Note there are cases where this spell could run to one of its limits and yet not kill anybody.

Replace the daily limit of Trance with the general divination rule below. This spell always costs the full 10 fatigue on a failure.

The author can put in any specific aspects for Write Scroll. For example a Glamour that only grants the appearance of a specific person the author has seen before. Note that the listed prices for scrolls(ITL 142) assume that the authors use DX enhancement items to get to adjDX 14. (Aid spells won't help because they can't be maintained all day long.)

IQ 17 Spells -pg 31

A Geas works within the limitations of the subject's perceptions and other abilities and can not be used for "divination"(page 56). For example a Geas to attack all werewolves on sight would be much more effective if cast on Scholar(c.f. page 83). You can geas an animal, but this would be limited by the animal's ability to understand the command. A control spell suspends a geas by removing the victim's conscious control for a time. A geas must be spoken in a language the subject understands. Or it may be spoken in the Sorcerers' Tongue in which case the subject will be compelled to perform the task even if they do not know why they are doing certain actions, or remember these actions if they weren't paying close attention to them at the time. This also increases the saving roll by one die, but it requires speaking the subject's true name in the Sorcerers' Tongue which usually requires complex divination to determine. Any IQ 17 or higher wizard (or dragon) knows their own true name, but any figure will recognize their own true name once this is spoken to them by a wizard who has discovered this information. The victim gets the same saving roll to break the geas whenever they are forced into a situation that would grant a roll to break Control Person or Animal.

Insubstantiality protects against the physical blows, but not the occult zaps of a wizard's staff. Wizard Wraiths probably get their Insubstantial sticks of wood wherever it is they buy their Insubstantial robes. (It can't be all that far away at MA 1.) If a Wraith arouses your ire then cast this spell in the reverse sense on him and feed him to your pets.

Remove Cursed Object would allow the victim to remove the ring, but wouldn't negate the Geas.

Spellsniffer detects all magic within range, but each Analyze Magic attempt requires a step and concentrate on the one spell being analyzed. The general divination rule below applies to multiple castings (but not uses such as going over the list of enchantments on an item during a single casting) of this spell against the same subject. The best way to hide an invisibility spell from a spellsniffer is to cast Conceal on the target also.

IQ 18 Spells -pg 33

Shapeshifting into a younger version of yourself does delay aging attribute losses until the spell fails. At that point they all apply at once. Remember that you can't Shapeshift to human if aging reduces the total of your ST plus DX below 14. You could shapeshift a princess into a 300 year old version of herself, but it would still take four months for her to lose each attribute point.

Characters apply XP against their true attribute total for the purposes of raising attributes while shapeshifted into a lower attribute form. Death or dismembership (for the body part) of the subject ends the shapeshifting within a few hours. Alchemy when one of the parents of the ingredients was shapeshifted into the form is at -8, otherwise only -4 if it was a grandparent.

The subject of a shapeshifting spell gets a 4/IQ roll to resist it at the moment of casting. Add one die if the subject has a special affinity for the form in question. ("This prince is a naturalist who studies amphibians?")

IQ 19 Spells -pg 33

The caster must touch the subject of Long-Distance Teleport with his own body or staff, which requires a to-hit DX roll before the casting roll against a resisting target. This spell costs the full fatigue on a failed casting roll.

Note that the Revival spell (or potion) "cures all minor wounds and diseases". So that all even a Master Physicker can offer the resurrected is proper medical care as per ITL 9.

A Zombie can only be cured by healing potions up to the maximum ST its creator bestowed on it. No zombie can be enchanted up to more than twice the ST it had in life without tearing itself apart. I.e. there are no skeleton ballerinas wielding telephone poles as two handed mauls at ST 60 and DX 12+. If you really need a ST 60 zombie then start with a giant's corpse and pay 75 fatigue (only the base cost of 5 is tripled for size) for a three hex zombie with ST 60, DX 7, IQ 0. A zombie retains the IQ 7 weapons talents it had in life. The Zombie spell can also be used to take control of a Zombie by enchanting it to at least one higher than the zombie's current strength. (I.e. the minimum cost is 6 plus the current ST.) This minimum cost can be reduced by damaging the zombie before casting the spell of course.


When converting a Melee warrior to TFT give him the weapon talents for the weapons he is carrying at that moment, along with his native language and one point in background bonus mundane talents. He can then select whatever talents that are common to his background area and up to one spell to fill out his IQ level total talents and spells.

IQ 7 Talents -pg 35

Brawling's Dirty Fighting only works against figures whom the user has excellent knowledge of their anatomy. Any human can fight dirty against another human, but would need to know Naturalist to fight dirty against a Reptile Man or Gargoyle. The Dirty Fighting bonus of +2 replaces rather than stacks with the base +1 damage of the Brawling skill. No single figure can use both Brawling and Unarmed Combat skills in the same turn, no matter how many heads they have. Replace all "bare hands" references under Brawling with unarmed and note that a dirty fighting knee strike can be used while carrying items in both hands.

Flight Expertise(1) Negates the two points of the DX adjustment for attacking while flying (as per the Flight spell on page 25). This talent also negates the additional die penalty on saving throws to avoid hazards for those creatures unfamiliar with flight. This is a bonus skill for any creature that was born to a flying species and is useful for any character shapeshifted to one, becomes a vampire, or is just fond of using the Flight spell. This talent doesn't grant any flying ability, it just represents familiarity with flight.

Figures without the Shield talent add one die on every DX roll they attempt while carrying one around.

IQ 8 Talents -pg 36

A character may take multiple levels of Area Knowledge for the same region. Each additional level would usually reduce the IQ roll to know any specific fact (at the given level of detail) by one die.

A wizard who doesn't pay the rest of the mundane talent cost at creation loses the bonus point. Most wizards take Literacy as their mundane talent because their childhoods were spent in front of books, not out on the farm. Heroes can also take this Bookworm background, but in either case this increases the difficulty of their rolls to spot things they don't have specific talents for by one die.

A disengaged figure with Thrown Weapons can use option e, move 2 hexes and throw the weapon. Option m can't be combined with a throw (or any other attack) so engage figures would need to use Quick Draw to ready a weapon in zero time then throw it that same turn.

IQ 8 Unusual Weapon Talents may only be taken at start by characters with a cultural background that includes these items. For example growing up on a ranch for Lasso or a Goblin tribal background for Blowgun.

IQ 9 Talents -pg 37

A figure with Acute Hearing rolls one less die to save against the moving in darkness DX rolls on page 119. The maximum visual impairment a figure with Acute Hearing suffers from all visual affects (Blur, Dazzle, invisibility, ordinary darkness, etc.) is -4 (rather than -6) against any target not under the effects of the Silent Movement talent(pg 38) or spell(pg 23). Acute Hearing's "sixth sense" turns rear hexes into side hexes for the purposes of defense against HTH attack(pg 116). The detect invisible roll is made by the GM and gives an exact location when the roll is made by four or more points. Otherwise the location is off by four hexes minus the amount the roll was made by.

Alertness is rewritten to give the benefit of specifically looking (ITL 69) for everything, without the drawback, and a general 3/IQ roll against ambushes. Ergo it can't be stacked with "looking for".

A hero (but not a wizard) subtracts his Toughness level from the DX penalty of his armor (but not shield).

IQ 10 Talents -pg 38

Diplomacy also reduces by one die any IQ roll needed to comprehend a foreign concept that an intelligent figure is attempting to explain or demonstrate to the diplomat. If the diplomat doesn't know the language then each simple concept would still have a chance of a critical misunderstanding of course.

Shield Expertise requires adjDX 10 or higher (before applying the penalty from your shield) and doesn't apply to the Main-Gauche, but Fencing does. Errata this to "Any attack against your front hexes[ides] [while holding a shield] is at an extra -1 DX, and you stop an extra hit of damage [if] your shield [stops any damage from the attack normally]."

For all of the Unarmed Combat talents the kick damage is in place of the punch damage bonus. For example a human with ST 12, DX 14, IQ 14 and Unarmed Combat V can punch twice a turn in normal combat at full DX for 2d-3, or punch once for 2d-2 or kick once for 2d-1. Note that these numbers have the Melee/Wizard barehanded damage adjustment. An unarmed figure using the UC talents engages any figure with less armor than their maximum kick damage and can defend against any weapon whose average damage isn't greater than their maximum punch damage. For example a ST 10 human kick with UC-I does no more than 4 points so this figure would engage humans in chainmail who didn't have shields or other defensive bonuses and could defend against 1d-1 weapons (that average 2.5 points per hit).

IQ 11 Talents -pg 40

None of the Shrewd attacks may be combined any other attacks that turn. The Fencer talent and Shield talent may be used with a fencing sword and small shield (or a spike shield) on any turn the fencer doesn't do a shield rush.

Example: A fencer chooses parry with her Main-Gauche (Using option b of the Two Weapons built into Fencer.) and a normal attack with her rapier. The rapier strike is at nominal DX and +1 damage. All melee (or thrown, not missile weapon) attacks from her front hexsides are at -1 DX adjustment to hit her and her Main-Gauche stops three hits from each such attack. If she chose to attack with both weapons then the Main-Gauche would only stop one hit and it's own strike would be at -4 DX.

Locksmith correction, "Non-Locksmiths roll twice as many dice." as per page 70.

The result of a Physicker's wound treatement is now the patient's baseline that further physicker or master physicker care can cure back up to. The baseline (and ST) increases by one point a day if a physicker makes a 4/DX roll (plus one die if treating without a kit, minus one die for Master Physicker) or the unaided patient makes a 4/ST health roll against his current ST until full ST is reached.

Unarmed Combat II and higher require the noted level of adjDX.

Weapon Expertise requires an adjDX of 12 to work. The Shrewd blow bonuses only apply to one standard melee attack, not thrown attacks, charge attacks, two weapon attacks, etc. The bonus to defend unlocks a 5/DX Defend option. This does not stack with Two Weapon's double parry. Choose one or the other. However Weapon Expertise's bonus to defend does stack with Shield Expertise. If you combine the two then a melee attacker from you front hexes would need to roll 5/DX at -2 to adjDX and stopping one more hit than the same shield would without Shield Expertise.

Note that the movement rates on page 54 assume the party has sufficient Woodsman to guide them. Halve the rates away from roads and paths if they don't. Area knowledge provides the benefits of Woodsman for that specific area or subtracts one die from Woodsman rolls. A critical success on a exposure save will find "a comfortable place to rest", but food might be in short supply in this small mountain cave or dessert oasis you've found.

IQ 12 Talents -pg 42

Expert Naturalist does stack with Alertness to automatically spot slimes and other mindless critter ambushes while not distracted.

A Master Armourer will automatically note that a wizard's staff is some sort of magical weapon before picking it up and has a 4/IQ save to identify the Staff enchantment and hence avoid picking up a hostile staff. (This takes an action to abort the pick up weapon action.)

Unarmed Combat III Replace "but the opponent's roll to defend is on 4 dice" with "but the opponent's roll to defend is one additional die".

IQ 13 Talents -pg 42

A Master Mechanician rolls one less die to remove traps, as per the note on page 72.

A character with the mundane talent of Astrologer knows how to apply the results for (hopefully) paying customers. If he doesn't know or have a back office Mathematician then he's faking it. A Mathematician without the Astrologer talent can perform the calculations in the abstract, but would be clueless as to how these applied to specific circumstances. GMs should feel free to be creative as to the results of demon summoning done without the benefit of both skills.

Multiple levels of the Chemist and Alchemy talents may be purchased. Each additional level reduces by one die the difficulty of rolls for that talent. Note that Master Physicker counts as one level of Alchemy for Healing potions only.

Scholar is only three memory points for wizards also. A wizard scholar is more likely to know occult than mundane lore.

Strategist bonus replaces Tactics bonus on initiative, it doesn't add to it. The roll to discern the enemy plans is 6/IQ minus one die for each of Tactics and Strategist the leader has and plus one die for each of these talents the enemy leader has. On a critical failure they are badly mistaken.

Unarmed Combat IV Replace "but the opponent's roll to defend is on 4 dice." with "but the opponent's roll to defend is at one additional die."

IQ 14 Talents -pg 43

The saving throw to resist being disarmed by Unarmed Combat V's nerve blows is one more than for Weapon Mastery's (page 43) disarming strike. I.e. a weapon master rolls 2/DX to resist a nerve blow. As always replace "4 dice" here with "one additional die".

Languages -pg 44

I.e. any wizard with an IQ greater than 16 can piece together the incantations she's learned for each individual spell into a functional understanding of the Sorcerers' Tongue. She'll still speak it with an accent. Note that no human has Sorcerers' Tongue as their native language. It's very concise in communicating magical terms and very unwieldy when dealing with more mundane matters. This is another reason for the learning difficulties heroes and wizards encounter when cross training.

Armor Weight and Cost -pg 66

Shields also multiply cost and weight by these amounts. A giant's Small Shield would weigh 40 pounds and act as a (slightly oversized) Tower Shield for a human.

Equipment Table -pg 67

Each vial of potion (not a gas bomb) weighs around 0.2 pounds. Usually this is ignored, but if you want to lug a hundred healing potions into the dungeon it's going to add up. The empty vial is 0.1 pounds, should you keep it afterwards.

Playing the Game -pg 68

Figures that have "recently encountered" a general class of creatures (Am bushes, Bloodtrees, Slimes, Scorpions, etc.) and have either Alertness or are specifically looking for them get the same 3/IQ roll as Naturalists to spot the hazard out to creation spell range, as adjusted by light.


To find the stats for any critter than isn't listed first determine ST by this formula.

ST = SQRT(Weight in pounds / 1.5)

Then find the other stats in comparison to listed critters of around that size.

Orcs -pg 77

Orcs are expected to use their fangs and claws and hence suffer (no further) social penalty from using Dirty Fighting when they use the Brawling talent.

Elves -pg 77

Adult elves living in high elf communities and consuming traditional elfin cuisine are effectively ageless, but gain XP (and reproduce) at a glacial pace. A fully human lifestyle puts at least as much stress on their bodies as it does on humans. Count years away from their cities at the human rate for aging.

Elves roll one more die to resist being knocked over by shield rushes or dragon tails unless they have Acrobatics. Elves roll one less die for jumping rolls and many take Acrobatics for an additional die reduction.

ST Average adult elf weight
6 70 lbs
7 90 lbs
8 100 lbs
9+ 120 lbs

Dwarves -pg 77

Dwarves suffer from aging the same as a human of half their actual age, if they don't drink themselves to death before then.

A dwarf with a War Ax has the same combat effect as a human with a broadsword, with a weapon that costs 25% less and weighs 60% more. But the dwarf can carry twice as much so his weapon encumbers him less than the human's weapon. Having the Ax/Mace talent is also useful for the dwarf when wielding the Miner's pick.

Goblins -pg 77

Goblins raise ST through XP as if their attribute total was two higher, up to a racial maximum of ST 12. They suffer from aging the same as a human of two thirds their age. As a small race they roll one less die on "health" rolls to resist poisons and diseases so be sure and ask "Is this poisoned?" early and often while visiting them, as they can't lie.

Hobgoblins -pg 78

As small humanoids Hobgoblins raise ST through XP as if their attribute total was two higher and roll one less die on "health" rolls to resist poisons and such. Therefore their max ST of 15 makes them the healthiest playable race. Unfortunately their max IQ is only 11. These two factors combined make them the most common humanoids found in sewers and swamps.

Halflings -pg 78

ST 4 is ludicrous for a "90 pounds" (ITL 66) creature. Start Halflings with ST 6, DX 12, IQ 8 and four extra points. All of the ST 6 small humanoids average only 70 pounds in order to not exceed their maximum lifting weight. The "90 pounds" racial average is from the ST 7 and up members of these races.

Halflings start with two bonus points allocated as they like in either Charisma (replacing the default +1 on reaction rolls), Thrown Weapons, or the Missile Weapons talents and suffer a -2 DX adjustment when using wielded weapons (other than two handed pole weapons) against multi-hex targets. For example a Halfling Wizard would pay only two IQ points cost to start with the Thrown Weapons talent instead of the four IQ points cost a human wizard would pay. As with background mundane talents this bonus is lost if not used at creation. Halflings pay the normal XP cost to advance DX or IQ, but count their attribute total as two higher to determine the XP cost of advancing ST, up to a racial maximum of ST 12. As a small race they generally roll one less die on any "health" roll to resist poisons and environmental hazards. Use half their actual age to determine the effects of aging.

Centaurs -pg 78

As normal for two-hex characters, the XP cost for a Centaur to advance ST is determined as if his attribute total was six less, but they roll two additional dice on any "health" ST roll to resist poisons and such.

As hexapods, Centaurs can carry twice the load as a human of the same strength.

Giants -pg 78

A proper sized giant's one handed club (9 pounds) can jab to two hexes as per ITL 112, but is not otherwise a pole weapon. Some giants fight with huge flint spears that weigh half their strength in pounds. These do two points less damage than a one or two handed club, but are pole weapons. A very few of these are also magical staves. If iron ($6/lb) or silver ($60/lb) is used instead of flint then add one point of damage, or more if finely made.

The 3d+3 spiked club mentioned in the IQ 14 Summon Giant spell on page 28 is actually a Giant Mace, which requires the Ax/Mace skill. Choose a ST rating then for every full 10 ST the Giant Mace does 1d+1 damage, costs $15, and weighs 5 pounds. I.e. a ST 20 Giant Mace is 2d+2, ST 20, $30, 10 pounds, while a ST 40 Giant Mace is 4d+4, ST 40, $60, 20 pounds. Well balanced (+1 DX to strike) silver giant maces exist and are worth one hundred times as much as the normal giant maces (as per ITL 123 for a well balanced silver weapon), but almost always have the Staff I enchantment on them.

Great Cestus: For every 10 full base ST of this weapon it does 1d damage, costs $20 and weighs 2 pounds. It does an additional point of damage per die in HTH. So the ST 30 Great Cestus does 3d damage (3d+3 in HTH), costs $60 and weighs 6 pounds.

A giant that isn't critically malnourished or ill gains one point of ST on each odd birthday from age 21 to 49, wanted or not. Note that this increases the XP cost to raise attributes every other year. A giant that elects to lose ST due to aging loses 1d rather than one point of ST. As three-hex characters, giants roll three additional dice against ST to resist poisons, but take normal poison damage if they fail.

Gargoyles -pg 79

Gargoyles get calories from plants and meat, but these carbon based foods lack critical nutrients they usually get from specific gems. A gargoyle outside of their mountain tribes must either consume $10 of a specific gem powder mix daily (hundred doses to the pound), specially prepared meals (at double human living costs or more, where available, requires Expert Naturalist to supervise the preparation), or roll 3/IQ daily to avoid a point of wilderness fatigue as per Woodsman (page 41, double or triple fatigue if organic food is limited or lacking, as per Woodsman). It's a pity that no known gargoyle has the IQ 11 Woodsman talent.

A gargoyle's bare handed attack does 1d more than a human of the same ST after applying the Melee/Wizard barehanded damage adjustment, plus any further bonuses for brawling or unarmed combat talent. Gargoyle kicks are clumsy and are resolved at an additional -2 DX adjustment. They are able to clasp things with their feet and this is how they usually carry heavy loads in the air. Gargoyles pay normal XP costs to advance DX. They advance ST as if their attribute total was three less than the actual total and they advance IQ (to a maximum of 10) as if their attribute total was two higher than the actual total. Note that gargoyles are immune to most poisons that hurt mammals, but roll one additional die on saving throws against ST to resist those poisons that do affect them.

Reptile Men -pg 79

Replace "(1) because of his jaws and claws, he does double the HTH damage that a human of equivalent ST would;" with "A bare handed Reptile Person may use her claws as if she was wearing a pair of Cestus. If she lacks the Cestus talent then she rolls an additional die to hit and gains no defensive bonus." A Reptile Person advances ST as if her attribute total was three less than the actual total, and rolls one additional die on saving throws against ST to resist poisons and diseases. The big reptile people are the ladies and the pretty ones are the gentlemen.

A reptile person can enter a healing stupor where they rest quietly all day long, waking up only for meals. This gives them the effect of convalescent care (1 hit recovered every other day) without needing a doctor. They roll an additional die to notice things while in this state and it takes them two turns to wake up. Because of this healing power they will regrow a lost tail within a year.

A reptile person in chain or heavier armor has an armored cap for their tail. This increases their tail damage to one point less than a club for their ST.

Basilisks -pg 80

The victim of the gaze of the Basilisk gets a bonus to their saving throw equal to the visual penalty for effects such as Blur. The Basilisk can attempt to gaze at subjects it itself does not see (at +6 on their save), but if the hex is empty there is no effect. The gaze is also blocked by the Spell Shield(page 27), but this doesn't help if the victim is already frozen. The victim is freed if the Basilisk moves outside the five megahex range or falls unconscious.

Demons -pg 80

A demon with appropriate sized clubs or cestus does only three more points of damage than his barehanded attack. As they never fully materialize in the physical world they are unable to leverage their full demonic durability for physical attacks. Demons have all of the IQ 7 and 8 weapons talents that don't require other combat skills.

Dragons -pg 80

From my ST formula a 14-hex dragon (40 feet long when the tail is straightened out) has a weight of 15000 pounds, which is not unreasonable for a Tyrannosaurus of the same length.

The dragon's breath weapon attack is a stream of liquid that catches fire when exposed to air. This effect covers a number of hexes equal to the dragon's own size and the dragon gets a separate to-hit roll against every target in these hexes to hit it for full damage. Note that this is fire in the hex and not a missile weapon so reverse missiles is useless against this attack. The dragon will move its own body out of the way when firing under or over itself at targets so never needs to roll to miss itself.

When used on the ground this is a line of hexes starting one hex from the dragon's head and only bouncing off of solid walls. When used in flight against ground targets this will bounce off the first hex of ground and then spread out in a triangle. For example a two hex dragon will fly directly over a target and be at -1 to hit everything in the target hex under its head and -2 to hit everything in the hex directly ahead of it. A four hex dragon will fly a little higher and so be at a -3 to hit the target hex which is zero, one or two hexes forward of its own head then -4 to hit everything in all three hexes forward of that first scorched hex. A flying seven hex dragon will be at -3 to hit everything in the target hex (as above for 4-hex dragons), -4 for the three hexes forward of that and -5 for the next three hexes forward of those.

Dragons also levitate like Gargoyles do. Under the effects of the Freeze spell they will maintain altitude and drift along on the wind. When hit by Sleep they gently glide down, moving half base flying MA forwards and descending one yard for every four hexes traveled. Roll one die at the start of each turn. On a 1 or 2 they turn 60 degrees left and on a 5 or 6 they turn 60 degrees right during their unconscious movement.

A dragon that stands still or moves no more than one hex and makes no other attacks on that turn may attempt to cast the Sleep spell(page 23) exactly as a human wizard would, but without the need for gesture or incantation.

If a dragon takes one minute (12 turns) undisturbed talking to a single sleeping target it can attempt a Geas (as per the spell on page 31, including fatigue cost). Roll for success when the target wakes up, by which time the dragon is likely far away. Almost always this geas will be something like "Bring as much gold and jewels as you can carry to my lair", which is how dragons get such a well deserved reputation for targeting princesses and other noble women. Only on a success on the resistance roll will the target consciously remember what the dragon said. On a failed roll they will simply fulfill the command, thinking it is their own idea all along, and usually not even remembering having met a dragon.

For many years scholars had been puzzled as to how exactly Dragons could possibly be "very status conscious" while only "found alone or in small family groups". Then one day wizards revealed that where they could reach on the Astral Plane(page 28) was only the lowest level. Dragons spend half their very long lives in dreaming and when they dream they use an innate Astral Projection power for no ST cost. A wizard is unlikely to randomly encounter dragons on the Astral Plane because the dreaming dragons are more likely to be found socializing in their great Astral cities on the higher levels. Few humans even claim to have been escorted in their astral form by dragons to meet with the great dragon king and most of them are lying. Roll 5/IQ for any sleeping dragon to spot a party approaching their nest from their dreams in the Astral Plane and on a success will be quite ready to deal with the visitors. This is only a 4/IQ roll to notice unfortunate wizards using Astral Projection to snoop around their nest.

The Tail Lash is treated exactly as a shield rush(page 112) Sweeping Blow(page 126) but at full DX. Some dragons are noted for their combat prowess and have the equivalent of the Shield Expertise talent(page 39) for tail lashing.

Neanderthals -pg 81

The oldest known bow fragments are closer to modern times than they are to the very last Neanderthal. Neanderthals ought to just use oversized two-handed non-thrown flint tipped spears. Say 2d-1 damage at ST 16.

Werewolves and Vampires -pg 83

Werewolves and Vampires like trolls don't get their quick healing against fire and acid damage. The difference is that trolls don't have any special vulnerability to silver weapons. Copper (including Bronze) and Gold weapons also have the anti-microbial effect that blocks this magical bacteria healing, but they're less effective than silver weapons.

The vampire bite is resolved against a figure it has pinned in HTH combat. First resolve the pin as per page 117 and then on each turn thereafter win a contest of DX to suck down a quart. Or just use the Freeze spell if you know it.

Werewolves grow claws and fangs. Add +2 to their unarmed attack damage. Note that is is on top of the Reptile Person's +2 as they get bigger claws and fangs. In the were state they are considered animals for spells such as Control Person or Animal or Drain Strength.

Ghosts -pg 84

Human ghosts and similar ghostly undead are aware of the Astral Plane(page 28) and can be fought magically or physically there.

The most common category of object with a bound ghost is a warrior's sword. Characters who pick one up have the choice of continuing the quest that got the fool killed or risk having him haunt them. The second most common is a wizard's staff. If the departed, yet still hanging around, wizard had a mana stat then he can recharge the staff he is bound to by one point for every 8 hours concentration. As he doesn't sleep this is usually three points a day, unless distracted. He can cast from the staff using this mana with the DX he had in life. Wizards can sense (and avoid) a Ghost (or any other kind of "live") Staff on a 4/IQ save before touching it (one die less for alertness, etc.), but heroes aren't so lucky.

A character who rolls a critical failure on a spook roll now has the ghost bound to them. The ghost will seem to vanish at this point. Every night when the character sleeps roll 3/IQ. On a success nothing happens. On a critical success they're free and the ghost goes back wherever. On an ordinary failure they have nightmares and they lose a point of exposure fatigue (as per Woodsman) until they get an undisturbed night's rest. On a critical failure they get a full night's sleep and the ghost does a partial Geas on them.

A character under a Ghost Geas needs to win an IQ contest with the ghost for any decision counter to the ghost's obsession or give in on that point. Note this is fork in the road level, not shall I continue walking down this road. There needs to be an obvious choice in front of them, rather than a simple continuation.


A ghost staff that casts Zombie on his own corpse and then shifts focus to use his former body as his own is a Lich. The lich retains his previous living DX due to familiarity and then uses the corpse as his own body for spell rituals and such. Whatever the current ST the zombie has the ghost can still only cast from Mana. Whenever the zombie isn't wearing or wielding the staff it becomes an ordinary zombie that's down two points of DX (from the living stat) and is remote controlled from the ghost in the staff.

While liches are theoretically capable of performing enchantments they don't recover fatigue as living wizards and as ghosts they can't be Aid'ed by apprentices. Therefore divide the enchantment cost per day by five (round up) to find the number of more-or-less willing humanoids to Drain Strength from for each day's enchantment.

Apep -pg 85

In combat the Apep will first attempt a full move charge attack (treat as a normal attack, but after moving up to six hexes). If seriously engaged it will coil up into a 3-hex figure (with magical shadow extending one hex out from those three hexes) and shift attack. If hard pressed it will tail lash every adjacent hex (-4 DX on both attacks if it bites on the same turn). If this knocks over sufficient figures to disengage itself it will then slitter off in linear formation to heal up.

Zombies -pg 87

As noted in the spell notes above, a Zombie's max ST is twice what he had in life.

Skeletons -pg 88

The immunity to arrows only applies to unarmored skeletons. This also applies to all jabs, missile spells, and thrown weapons (other than Magic Fist, Axes/Hammers/Maces, Boomerang and the Blunderbuss). All these "narrow" missile/thrown weapons (including arrows) need to roll one additional dice in order to hit an unarmored skeleton. Using a shield doesn't negate this unarmored protection.

Resolve any shield rush against a skeleton as if the attacker had doubled ST and the skeleton rolls an additional die to retain its footing.

Bare Owl -pg 91

Given sufficient foliage it requires a 6/IQ roll to spot a Bare Owl lurker while setting up camp. Subtract one die for each of Naturalist, Expert Naturalist and Alertness.

Dragonets -pg 92

Dragonets also dream on the Astral Plane(page 28), but they only reach the lower levels and spend their dreaming time in play and for searching for shiny objects to snatch when they awaken.

Doedicurus -pg 93

The relative of Glyptodont with the (presumed) spiked tail is Doedicurus. Doedicurus is also a 4-hex creature with ST 45, 10, IQ 5, MA 4 (6 during the season). Tail sweep as per a 4-hex dragon but each figure stuck takes 2d+2 damage from the spikes in addition to the roll to remain standing. Doedicurus can make a 2d-2 claw attack to the front on any turn it doesn't make a tail attack. These creatures will burrow through earth (but not rock) to feast on tree roots, especially those of the bloodtree.

Little Cats -pg 93

ST DX IQ MA Bite to hit Name Weight
3 14 5 14 1d-3 -3 Housecat 9 lb
4 14 5 14 1d-2 -2 Bobcat 30 lb
5 to 6 14 6 14 1d-1 -1 Lynx 60 lb

Dire Wolf -pg 94

Canis dirus would have had ordinary wolf level stats, as it was the same size as modern gray wolves. (See Wikipedia) This creature is Epicyon, misidentified by the scholars of Cidri.

Nuisance Creatures -pg 99

Alertness gives a 3/IQ roll to spot the motion of a plant or animal ambush (they spot the scorpion or am bush lining up for the shot or whatever), but slimes (and bloodtrees) make no motion at all before attacking. Therefore a figure who only has Alertness gets no IQ roll to spot a motionless slime before walking under it, while a naturalist with alertness needs only a 2/IQ roll to spot the faint tracks the slime left before getting to that position. Alertness (or Naturalist) on its own does give a 3/IQ roll to spot a slime each time it moves a hex along the ceiling. The roll to spot moving slimes is at -1 per hex along the line of sight.

A Green Slime gains half the ST of whatever organic material it consumes (they don't heal normally, just grow back). I.e. it grows at one ST per turn when actively feeding. When its ST exceeds 20 it splits into two slimes, with the total ST divided between them.

The -4 to hit Rats (and spiders) due to their small size is exactly countered by the +4 to hit them because they are crawling. Flying nuisance creatures are at a net -4 to be hit as usual, while slimes crawl but aren't tiny and so are +4 to be hit. If you fire an arrow into a hex with more than one rat then treat this as shooting into HTH. Roll to hit without adjustment for target size then if you hit roll randomly to determine which rat was hit (if it matters).

Small Spiders have IQ 2 just like the giant spiders, not IQ 6 like rats.

A Naturalist with Alertness would only roll two dice to spot Scorpions, as per page 121.


Turn Sequencing and Options -pg 101

When multiple sides roll intuitive against each other resolve in turn from top to bottom intuitive if that team decides to move before or after all of the lower intuitive teams as a group.

Magic items are willed on or off during the Renew Spells stage of the turn and any fatigue costs are marked off at this point. A user can also take a Concentrate action to will on or off items during their turn to act if they like.

Second arrow shots in a turn occur at the end of the Actions segment, before Force Retreats.

(e) READY NEW WEAPON Note the additional pick up options during movement on page 104.

The 3/DX roll for ATTEMPT TO DRAW DAGGER assumes that the figure has both the Knife talent and an easy to reach dagger on their belt. Add dice for talentless attempts or concealed blades.

(w) Concentrate. While in HTH act at base DX order (no +4 for HTH) to cast a spell or disbelieve. Casting spells is at -4 DX as per the Wizard rulebook page 23 and Hexagram #9, pg 3.

Facing -pg 106

A crawling or bent over figure has no front hexes for any purpose. A prone figure has their normal front hexes only for the purposes of determining what it may see, cast spells,fire crossbows or guns, and throw weapons and other items. They do not engage any figures in other hexes. The occult strike of a Wizard's staff can also be used from the prone position, but the mundane attack is limited to throwing your staff. Certain effects upgrade rear hexes into side hexes. A prone figure with these effects has six side hexes for the purposes of resisting melee attacks, but still does not engage figures in other hexes.

Note that the facing bonus to hit a target only applies to adjacent wielded or built in attacks so that no bonus is gained by jabbing with a pole weapon, missile weapon attacks, thrown weapon attacks, whips, spells, etc. A wizard in the hex directly behind a foe gets a +4 bonus to punch the foe or strike him with her staff,but not to use her staff's occult blast on him.

Weapons -pg 107

If your base ST reduces your DX (after armor/shield) for a too heavy weapon below 14 you can't use Master Fencer or Weapons Mastery with it and if below 12 you can't use Fencer or Weapons Expertise with that weapon. Injury and fatigue doesn't reduce your talents further.

Note that the sequence for two arrow shots per turn is defined at the bottom left corner of this page.

Weapons Table -pg 109

The Main-Gauche DX adjustment is -1 when used defensively with the Knife talent and zero when used with Fencing. The Main-Gauche can't be used as a staff as the extensive guard gets in the way of the staff's singular pointing focus.

Armor and Shields -pg 110

backpacks and or shields strapped to a character's back stop only one hit (combined) against the rear body only (no protection for aimed shots at the head or limbs) and impose DX penalties only for the combined weight. A shield may be carried unready strapped to an arm. It imposes standard DX penalty (zero for small and spike shields) and protects the body and that arm only from the matching side hex. A figure can wear three small shields for one hit of protection from all rear and side hexes, but this is thirty pounds of weight.

The -1 or -2 adjustment to DX listed under "Pack on Back" is from the "Weight Carried" table at ITL 65. If the figure's total load is less than 6x ST then there is no DX (or MA) penalty from a pack on the back.

Pole Weapons -pg 111

Handy Pole Weapon Charge Checklist
If the two figures remained adjacent throughout movement then this is not a charge attack, skip the rest.
Did pole weapon attacker and target move to adjacent this turn?This is a charge attack, Pole weapons strike before other attacks.
Did the attacker remain still or just turn this move?Standing pole weapon gets +2 DX on this attack.
Did the range close by three hexes or more during movement and if so was the last up to three hexes of the attacker's movement (if he moved at all) in a straight line towards the target?Pole weapon does an additional die of damage over the base damage.

A pole weapon held in two hands negates up to two DX points of penalties for attacking figures above the wielder within its reach including: Attacking flying foes(-2 DX instead of the -4 at ITL 25), Halflings attacking large figures(ITL 78), Height(ITL 119), and Unmounted 1-hex figure striking at rider or mount(ITL 132).

It is not possible to combine a pole weapon attack with any other attack on the same turn. The one exception is a wizard with a pole weapon staff using the Staff IV's occult strike on the same target. A one handed pole weapon can be combined with a Main-Gauche for defense, but can't attack with both weapons on the same turn.

It is possible to defend against a jab attack. (Hexagrams #3:page 17 and #9:page 3)

Unusual Weapons -pg 112

The Boomerang can be found in various sizes. It does the same damage as a club when held or thrown, but Weapons expertise or mastery only applies to throwing. Note that the range adjustment is minus one per megahex as per Thrown Weapons above.

Tripping a target with a Bola requires targeting the legs at the standard -4 to hit.

A silver Cestus gives a -2 DX adjustment for spell gestures made with that hand (an iron cestus would apply the usual minus 4 instead). See page 142 for which spells require hand gestures.

A cestus used for a melee attack does one point less than it's HTH attack, i.e. bare handed attack plus two damage. This is one point less than a one-handed club, but it's not (and can't be) dropped for HTH combat.

Trip attack with whip, bolo, lasso, etc. is an attack to the leg at DX -4 as per ITL 121. You can instead attack the body and do the ordinary damage for the weapon type and nothing else if you like.

The Net and Trident restriction against combing thrown or missile attacks with any other combat option on the same turn applies to all weapons.

If seen (or if have Acute Hearing) the net can be dodged as is if it were a slime. The target needs to get out of the hex to do so.

A wizard entangled in a Net with iron barbs is at the iron -4 DX for spellcasting and restrained for gestures. If in spite of this she's able generate 5 points of damage against the net (magical or otherwise) she's free.

The saving throw to resist being disarmed by a Quarterstaff are the same as those listed under Weapon Mastery on page 43. Weapon Mastery(Quarterstaff) negates the -4 DX adjustment to strike to disarm any type of weapon. There are heavier staffs for users of greater strength. These are generally made by adding or switching to materials of greater density than wood. The damage done by these heavier staffs is the same as a two-handed maul as given on page 122.

No more than base-ST Sha-ken may be tossed in a single attack and each will inflict no more than one hit after penetrating armor. This one hit can be multiplied by standard doubling and so forth for die roll or hit location.

Roll to Miss -pg 114

Delete all of this. There is no roll to miss, but a figure is at adjDX zero to hit anything else in the way before or after the intended target. Therefore a roll of three on three dice is triple damage, four is double damage, five is a hit, 18 is a break weapon, 17 is a drop weapon, and any other roll is a miss. Note that you are slightly more likely to hit friends who are dodging. If an ally kneels and does nothing else that turn then an adjacent archer has an automatic hit and therefore doesn't need to "roll to miss" as they shoot over them. If this friend is attacking, dodging, defending or marching around then there is a chance they would wander into the shot, so apply an adjDX zero roll to hit them as above.

Crossbows -pg 115

Add the DX bonus for prone or braced fire also to ST for purposes of rolling to hit, but not for reloading the crossbow. (I.e. ST 8 to operate the cranequin is adjusted to ST 10 for a braced crossbow so this is net even DX for the light crossbow and net -3 DX for the heavy crossbow.) The cranequin for the light crossbow takes five turns to cock, or eleven turns for the heavy crossbow. This gives historical firing rates of two or one shots per minute.

Oversized Targets -pg 116

If the adjDX to hit a specific target with a thrown or missile weapon is below the amount rolled and an auto-hit is made anyway, then roll randomly to see which target was hit within a radius of hexes equal to the difference.

Example: Light Crossbow sniper with base DX 11 and three levels of Missile Weapons talent attempts to make a head shot (-6) at an enemy archer hiding behind an arrow slit (-6) that is at the maximum effective range of 240 hexes (-8) and forty feet up (-4 by ITL 104) for an adjDX of negative ten. If he rolls a three he does triple damage to a random part of the castle wall within 13 hexes of his target point.

Hand-to-Hand Combat -pg 116

My replacement for initiating HTH is that any figure may attempt to move into another figure's hex only during movement. If the aggressor is disengaged then this is any normal movement, otherwise a shift. The aggressor drops his shield and non-HTH weapons in his current hex and announces an attempt to enter the defender's hex. (Weapons are not dropped if the intent is to trample a small figure or walk through an image.) The defending figure may turn to face the aggressor if she is standing and hasn't yet moved that turn and isn't surprised. She can then choose from one of these four options if she is standing and not surprised.

These options are available against all attempts to enter a figure's hex from wasps to ancient dragons. Note that attackers who ignore pain (slimes, berserkers, other mindless types) won't be stopped by any hit that doesn't kill them.

A figure who finds themselves with a weapon (or shield) too cumbersome to use in HTH can spend an action to drop all items they are holding in that hex.

Spellcasting and occult zaps from staves are at -4 in HTH combat. (Hexagram #9, page 3)

Defending and Dodging -pg 117

See the official errata.

Additional notes on Defending:

Forcing Retreat -pg 118

A figure is only forced to retreat if it take base ST/10 (round down) in scored hits. So a ST 29 fighter would need to suffer at least two points past armor to be forced to retreat. The retreating figure moves itself one hex as if it were subject to an Avert spell from the enemy that put hits on it. If multiple enemies put hits on the retreating figure then determine the results as if multiple Avert spells applied.This avert effect ends after the retreating figure's next action. Mindless creatures including slimes and undead aren't averted. Animals such as werewolves are. Note that berserkers ignore injuries short of death.

Reactions to Injury -pg 118

Any figure that falls over involuntarily must roll 2/DX to retain their grasp on each item they are holding, if they don't succeed they drop the item in their hex. Note that if this is a reaction to injury their adjDX is down 2 from the injury until after their next action.

Darkness -pg 119

A wizard can't summon a creation inside unseen unlit areas past the first hex of unlit or Shadowed blocking her line of sight. Even this might fail if there was a conflicting figure in the first hex of darkness.

Water -pg 120

"A figure who makes the roll, but has to stay afloat, must immediately shed armor, drop weapons, etc., until he is carrying less weight than four times his ST." As per the note above on this page and page 65. Note that carrying more than twice your ST has a DX penalty to swimming rolls, including the initial dunking. Wooden objects (such as a wizard's staff say) provide flotation for their own weight and a third more. So a five pound wizard's staff negates its own weight in the water and supports 1.67 pounds of other gear. Unfortunately the wizard's robes get waterlogged and so apply their four pounds of weight that would be ignored on land.

Aimed Shots -pg 120

Daggers can use dagger specific aimed shots in HTH as this was historically how full plate wearers were sometimes dispatched. Note that a smaller figure underneath a multi-hex figure would need to be under the head hex to take a head aimed shot, and so on.

Add one to each required amount of damage for every 10 base ST the target has over 10. For example a 14 hex dragon hit in the head for 17 damage (before armor) would be at -4 DX for a turn and if hit in the head for 20 damage (before armor) she would be knocked out. Any dragon who had lived that long would stay airborne in combat to make these aimed shots more difficult.

Berserking -pg 121

Berserking is a hero only ability. Wizards have an innately split focus that prevents their going all out like this. Figures who are neither humans nor orcs need to roll 4/IQ to enter the berserk state, though only 3/IQ to leave it.

Clubs -pg 122

As there is no talent for Club there is no mastery for it either.

Bare handed damage -pg 122

Subtract one point from each result to match to Wizard page 12 (where ST 12 does 1d-3 against an adjacent hex) and Melee page 18 (where ST 12 does at most 1d-2 in HTH). Talents then increase these reduced damage ratings as printed.

8 or less1d-5
9 or 101d-4
11 or 121d-3

Note that this also adjusts the ST 9 thrown club down to 1d-1 damage and the ST 11 thrown club down to 1d damage so that throwing javelins and spears blunt end forwards doesn't do more damage that the pointy ends.

Concealment -pg 122

A figure standing at an arrow slit while firing or aiming at a specific target (as per the Waiting for an Opening on page 127) is also at -6 DX to be hit, plus any adjustment for firing up from ground level as per page 104. If this figure steps back then only area attacks would have any chance of doing anything and the roll to hit the arrow slit itself is at -6 with height adjustments as above. Most arrow slits have wide fields of fire and crossbow supports for the +2 bonus.

Crippling Hits -pg 122

Only roll for a crippling hit when the attack did at least the target's base ST/10 (round down) in hits after armor. I.e. An attack would need to roll at lea st 16 damage to potentially knock out a 14 hex dragon. This isn't that difficult as a lot of crippling hits are double or triple damage anyway.

Fine Silver Weapons and Armor -pg 123

The relative benefits of Fine and Very Fine are less for bigger weapons yet cost more. Change the cost to +1000$ for fine or well blanaced, +2000$ for very fine or fine and well balanced, and +4000$ for very fine and well balanced, this is added to the base cost of the weapon (which can be silver at the usual markup.)

So a very fine well balanced silver rapier costs 10 * $40 + $4000 = $4400 and a very fine silver dagger is 10 * $10 + $2000 = $2100

Note also that the "hammer, mace, or ax" wording here deliberately excludes the club which is listed under "AXES/HAMMERS/MACES" at ITL 109.

Fire as a weapon -pg 124

Small torches operate under the Left-Hand Weapons(pg 111) and Hand-to-Hand Combat(pg 116) rules in place of a dagger. A single figure can not retain both small torch and dagger in HTH.

Burning a molotail depletes the air in that megahex. Depleted air can't sustain non-magical flames and recovers fatigue at half the usual rate (including for sleep). It takes a resting human two days to delete a megahex of air through breathing. After the third day the air is no longer sufficient to sustain human life. The flow of fresh air into an area depends on environmental conditions. Note that setting off a molotail will stir up the air for a long ways around it. It's when one molotail is set off per megahex of enclosed space that these restrictions apply.

Note that the +3 for three turns of "Waiting for an Opening"(page 127) is only available against totally motionless targets. If the target was a moving figure (or even a guard standing at attention) then the bonus would be capped at +2 for two turns.

Long-Range Missile Fire -pg 125

The maximum range in hexes of a thrown weapon or object is:

(Thrower's ST minus object weight in pounds) times

I.e. ST 17 tossing a one-pound non-weapon Olympic Javelin with a running start gives (17 - 1) * (2 +1 +1 +2) = 96 hexes, just short of the world record.

A ST 30 giant with no skill does a standing throw of a 12 pound petard to (30 - 12) * (2) or 32 hexes, just outside of the 10 megahex danger zone as promised on page 125.

Anything past half this maximum distance is at half weapon damage.

The Pike -pg 131

Should you run into any Macedonian phalanxes the following notes apply:

DX Modifiers for Mounted combat -pg 132

A one hex figure is at no disadvantage to strike at any horse that has legs long enough to reach the ground. The -2 DX to strike the rider (for height) applies to all melee attacks other than with polearms held in two hands.


Using Magic from Horseback -pg 132

A wizard can cast spells on himself no matter what his surroundings may be. But casting thrown or missile spells on others is adjusted for the wizard's horsemanship and seamanship talents (or lack thereof).

How to Cast Spells -pg 135

A wizard can use the following power sources to pay spell costs:

Example: Eric the Hopper ST 9 Mana 5/5. His staff has two fully charged 20 point powerstones attached to it. He draws on one of the two powerstones to Aid his own ST. He draws 20 mana (depleting this stone) and on success has ST 9 + 5 plus 15 excess fatigue. The next turn he draws 20 mana from the other powerstone plus the 5 mana his staff holds plus the 15 points of excess fatigue plus the 5 points of Aided ST plus 5 points of his own fatigue to cast the 50 point Revival spell. He is now at ST 9(4) Mana 5(0) with two empty 20 point powerstones attached to his staff.

Missile Spells -pg 135

The rock splinters noted on page 71 come from intensive bombardment. Casual missile spells that impact on a rock wall only cause rock splinters if the number of dice in the attack or less is rolled on a separate one die roll. (I.e. an even chance for a 3d Magic Fist.)

Thrown Spells -pg 136

The maximum range to the target for the casting of a thrown spell is the caster's basic ST in hexes. These spells cost twice as much to maintain beyond this initial range and can't be maintained beyond the caster's basic ST in megahexes.

Secret Protection can be undercut by recognizing the ritual. A wizard rolls 3/IQ to recognize a full ritual of a spell he knows taught in the same style (Wizards' Guild is fairly uniform around the globe). There is a minus one modifier for every megahex to the caster. Add one die for each of the following:

If no ritual is used then there is nothing to observe.

A caster can use the ritual of a different spell that he also knows, but this adds one die to his own casting roll.

If a wizard observes an observable spell effect of a spell he knows he will be able to think of a list of spells that could generate that effect. I.e.: "Well either a gargoyle was teleported in, or one was summoned, or this is an image or an illusion." If the wizard doesn't know any spell that could produce that effect then he needs to roll 4/IQ to think of spells of that type from his general wizard training.

Control Spells enable the use of the subject's physical skills, but not the subject's memories. For example a wizard could control one guard to use his disarming strike against another guard, but couldn't force the guard to tell him the combination of the safe lock. He could compel the guard to ask another guard what that combination was, if the wizard knew their language.

Creation Spells -pg 137

Drain Strength cast on any sort of creation will fail and cost the attempter 1 fatigue.

Creation Rule Unification Doctrine

The following applies to all Summon animate X, Illusions, Images, Staff to Snake, Zombies and Controlled Humanoids, Animals and Elementals.

These notes do not apply to figures under verbal command such as created (not controlled) Elementals, Zombies on which the only control is via the Zombie Ring, etc. I.e. if you create an Iron Elemental it wouldn't know what to do with a sword but if you put it under the Control Elemental spell it suddenly has the Sword talent even if the caster doesn't. A controlled zombie has all of the IQ 7 weapons talents while a zombie not under direct control simply retains the IQ 7 weapons talents it had in life.

There are legends of wizards with advanced mental talents being able to have direct control of more than five figures at a time, but otherwise the rule of five applies. During the Renew Spells phase the wizard determines which five figures he will control this turn and his remaining figures continue with their last orders. If his own body isn't in that five then it either stands (or sits, etc.) still or continues walking that turn and is considered to "face rear" in all directions.

An image or illusion under a maintain X enchantment will follow the instructions the caster gave it. If these instructions take longer than a minute to speak then charge the caster the maintenance cost for the extra time. After this period the image or illusion is no longer under direct control and so won't vanish when the caster sleeps or is killed.

Continuing Spells

PvK writes that all Thrown spells multiply cost by target size in hexes, not just continuing spells.

Iron, Silver, and Magic -pg 140

Pure silver is a third denser than iron, but the silver used in these weapons is alloyed with lighter metals so the overall density is the same. It's a pity that the process to work this alloy isn't known on Earth. Attempting to use standard blacksmithing techniques would cause the metals to separate, hence the need for multiple talents to work the alloy.

Note that using a magic item isn't the same thing as casting a spell. An iron sword enchanted to shoot fireballs isn't at -4 DX for the iron, just -4 DX if the wielding non-wizard doesn't know the fireball spell.

Casting Spells From Books -pg 141

The heavy and expensive spell books at ITL 141 (what are they, printed on silver?) are the official versions sanctified by the WG.

The vast majority of wizards (at least when nobody else is watching) get by with cheap paperback knockoffs mass produced by apprentices using Duplicate Writing and casting twice per sheet to print on both sides. These weigh a sixth of the official volumes and cost a tenth as much, but impose an extra die on all casting rolls. A set of seven such paperbacks covering all book castable spells costs $2354 and weighs 13.5 pounds.

Magical Equipment and Laboratories -pg 142

The attunement cost for lab or chest is 50 ST per day for a week or a total of 300 ST so either bring an apprentice or spend two weeks alone before attempting the DX roll. Attunement for alchemy requires the same time and DX roll, but no ST cost.

Gestures and Incantations -pg 142

There is no penalty to cast a spell of five or more below the casters IQ level in HTH. All higher level spells are cast with a -4 adjustment.

Wishes -pg 143

Misc wish mentions in the rulebook:


With the following:

And add the following item.

You can buy a greater wish from a Grand Chapter of the Wizards' Guild. Tell them why you need a wish and on a very good reaction they'll sell you the greater wish for $100,000. The lesser wish goes for $50,000. As implied on page 46 this is ten times their actual costs, and is therefore a great money maker for the Guild. They will buy a bound greater wish for $10k or a bound lesser wish for $5K, without asking a lot of questions.

My numbers for wish costs are the following. An IQ 22 wizard generates an average of 97 net greater wishes (after subtracting wishes to restore) before being dusted and would otherwise have a lifetime payroll of $350 a week times two for dangerous work times 50 weeks per year times thirty years is about a million silvers. Assuming these attempts are done one per day that's 100 days or 20 weeks, plus one week's setup. The IQ 22 understudy who does the Pentagram charges $350 times two times 21 weeks or $14,700. The pentagram wizard has two apprentices and the demon summoner has eight for a total of ten at $50 times two times 21 weeks is another $21,000. Ten mercenary veterans provide security for another $31,500. Total cost of operation is $1,117,200 divided by 97 wishes is $11,518 per wish.

Learning New Spells -pg 144

As always each IQ point cost of instruction takes around three months. So a non-wizard takes nine months to learn a spell. A student who already knows the Aid spell would almost always be welcomed as an Apprentice (c.f. the jobs table on page 59.) Otherwise the going rate is to pay your teacher a day of his wage for every week of training.

Researching New Spells -pg 144

The weekly research rolls are at least as troublesome as job rolls so each grants 2 XP. Note that this means that the character will have gained some of the 500 XP needed by the time the research is complete.

Chemists and Alchemists -pg 145

The note from page 150 also applies to potion production: "The weekly roll is made against the [potion maker's] basic DX. Potions, Aid spells, magic items, etc. cannot help. One exception: A Charm can help him on this roll."

Note that the listed prices are in general slightly less that what it would cost the PCs to make the potions under their best general purpose setups (if they have only the base Chemist or Alchemist talents), not even accounting for security, taxes, etc. (c.f. a detailed calculation for Healing Potion costs.) This is because most potion production is conducted by operations that are located where they have competitive advantages of stacked talents or with ingredients and other aspects. When the GM rules that the general supply of certain potions is limited, non-existent, or at much greater cost than listed the players can either go through the time and expense of setting up the production (secure a lab, have or hire chemists and alchemists, gather the listed ingredients, protect their operations against bandits operating outside or within the law, etc.) or they can use the Finding Magic Items for Sale rules on page 166 to search for the potions.

Alchemists' Potions -pg 147

Magic Items -pg 148

Note that charms do not save enchantments from 18 rolls (page 150). If an enchanter rolls a natural 18 while wearing a charm the enchantment ends. If this was the final roll to attempt to enchant the item then it has an enchantment, but it is randomly non-standard. Some examples are that a +5 damage spear that became a +10 damage spear that only applied any of its enchantment bonus against dragons and a powerstone that only recharged a point of mana when soaked in a hits worth of fresh wizard's blood. No enchanter has ever succeeded in adding to or duplicating these flawed enchantments, but the Wizards' Guild is still studying the issue.

Gems of Summoning -pg154. The gear for the Myrmidon is specified during enchantment.

Typo on page 153. The Zombie Ring has a fair market price of $3,000 and no special notes apply. It takes four weeks to make at 100 ST/day with $10/week of common ingredients.

Apprentices -pg 154

Non-wizards who know the Aid spell are useless as apprentices because they lack the training to know at which critical moments during an enchantment day to provide ST. If they really really want to do this then the hero will need to learn the Sorcerers' Tongue as well to follow along with the procedure.

A more complex formula for the ST an apprentice (or enchanter) can contribute each day: Apply their Spellcasting Success Chance to three times their base ST. So a ST 12 DX 11 IQ 9 apprentice would contribute 12 * 3 * 0.625 = 22.5 which rounds down to 22 ST per day.

This is the total fatigue a wizard has available to spend (on spells, enchantments, recharging mana and powerstones, etc.) for each day that he spends mostly resting. Reduce this total by the fraction of time he spends walking, riding, or actively crewing or piloting a craft or flying carpet. He can rest while a passenger in a wagon, carriage, ship, flying carpet, etc.

A typical 16-year old graduate of the Dranning School of Wizardry will have 28 total attribute points (I.e. a human would be ST 6 DX 8 IQ 8 with six additional points), her native tongue, Elyntian(which is usually her native tongue), Literacy(as her mundane talent), Aid, Staff and up to four other IQ points cost in talents and spells. She will have a bag, two robes (wearing one), her staff and 2d-2 * 10 silvers in cash or other possessions. Over the next four years of her apprenticeship she will gain and expend 400 XP in raising two points of ST and two other attribute points to be allocated freely, learn up to her current IQ level in spells and talents, and save up to $1000 in cash and possessions. She will then be a 20-year old 32-attribute $1000 typical starting wizard with a full selection of spells.

Magic Item Creation Table

Magic ItemPriceNotesWeeks to makeST/dayCost/week of ingredientsIngredients required weekly (and starting item required)
Twenty Brands
($60 each)
$1,200-125$5001 dose Pyrotic Ability potion($500) and 20 sticks, arrows, or quarrels
Zombie Ring$3,000-4100$10-

Lesser Magic Items -pg 156

Self-Powered Items can only be made for enchantments that are Continuing Spells(page 140) and even if "always on" they are only active when worn, carried or wielded by a living creature.

Immunity to Drop Weapon includes immunity to the Break Weapon spell, broken weapon mishaps, and reduces by one die the saving throw vs DX to resist being disarmed. If you face a foe who is being annoying about this then run him through or at least cripple his weapon arm.

Maintain Illusion can be combined with a limiting spell to summon the illusion (no further than an adjacent megahex away from the item) when the specified conditions are met. The wizard would need to recast the illusion into the item to reset this illusion trap.

Stone Flesh items cost one fatigue per minute. These can be made self-powered at the standard ten times cost if needed.

Other Lesser Magic Items -pg 158

Fresh Air This item requires 1 fatigue per minute as per the spell on page 27. The self-powered variant is at the standard ten times expense.

PvK writes that a Brand arrow does: "No extra damage on a hit. It is a smokeless, possibly colored, flaming arrow, like a mundane flaming arrow (but probably a bit more reliable and accurate compared to a typical mundane flaming arrow with flaming cloth & pitch attached), which burns for 1 minute, which may or may not set fire to what it sticks into (GM discretion)."

Remove Cursed Object will not remove Limiting Spells, but Dissolve Enchantment will.

Quiver of Replenishment can also be cast on a dagger (Wizards haven't worked out the enchantments for other items, but they're still trying). The base level enchantment must be cast twice, once on the holster and once on the dagger (counting as an enchantment on each item), but other enchantments can then be cast on both items. The dagger will then teleport back to the holster at the end of any turn when its handle isn't held. If either item is destroyed then then the enchantment is broken on the other item.

It costs one fatigue per minute (per hex) to activate the Serpent Torc.

If multiple Amulets Against Living Creatures of the same type are worn then only one will be effective, but a single amulet could have the same enchantment put on it up to five times and all five rolls would need to be made. For example a greater demon has an IQ of 11 and so needs to roll 11 or less on three dice five times in a row (9.5% chance of this) to approach a human queen who is wearing a five times strength Amulet vs Demons. Should the amulet fail hopefully she at least knows Unarmed Combat to avoid being grabbed (treat as a HTH pin) and taken to meet with the 32-point Goblin wizard (ST 6, DX 9 (Aided +5), IQ 17) and his half dozen apprentices.

Amulet against detection has the same costs and procedures as Amulets Against Living Creatures, but adds one die on any magical attempt to detect or track the wearer per casting of this enchantment on the item and only the highest level item applies. Note that this adds dice on attempts to use Detect Enemies, Pathfinder, Scrying, etc. against the wearer, but not to penetrate an Unnoticeability with mundane senses.

Rings of Control cost one fatigue per attempt and per minute thereafter. These can be made self-powered at the standard ten times cost if needed. Note that if the target wanders beyond the wielder's basic ST in hexes the maintenance cost doubles and beyond the wielder's basic ST in megahexes the control is ended.

IQ 15 Magic Items -pg 160

Iron Flesh items cost one fatigue per minute. These can be made self-powered at the standard ten times cost if needed.

Teleport item includes things carried by the target, and their clothes, etc.

Unnoticeability items cost one fatigue per minute. These can be made self-powered at the standard ten times cost if needed.

Other Greater Magic Items -pg 161

An Aid ST spell cast on a figure with (or without) ST adding Attribute Enhancers would total to no more than +5 ST over their base ST with any excess Aid going to excess fatigue points that could only be used for spell casting and other fatiguing activities and not to deliver massive crushing blows.

The general divination rule that governs Crystal Ball, Pathfinder, Scrying, and Trance is that each divination by any method made on the subject within the past 24 hours adds one die to the difficulty of all divination methods. A wise wizard divines himself daily, for example by using Pathfinder to determine what he should have for breakfast. This observer effect is per figure (and everything carried) or per general area. Ignore the observer limit for everything within a few megahexes that can be seen from the vantage point of a scrubbed scrying mirror.

Flaming Weapons cast about as much light as a small torch. Flaming arrows or quarrels go out after 12 turns, as per Brand(page 158).

A larger capacity Powerstone will inhibit the ambient mana field recharge of all other powerstones within a one hex radius until it itself is full. For two powerstones of equal capacity the one with the largest current charge will draw the point and inhibit the other. If both capacity and current charge are equal then roll randomly to see which one recharges. Note that charms do not save enchantments from 18 rolls (page 150) and the powerstone enchantment is a single enchantment that is all ruined by any roll of 18 while trying to extend it. Therefore the 720 point stone had only a 26% chance of making it that far, even with base DX 15 and a +2 charm.

Embedding a powerstone into an item counts as one of the enchantments on that item. A non-magical ring in which a powerstone was set would then count as a magic item with one enchantment for the rule of five while a wizard's staff with two powerstones could have up to two further enchantments on it. It doesn't take longer or cost more to enchant an item which already has a powerstone attached, it just limits the total enchantments. Any powerstones attached to an item beyond the rule of five will be inert until removed and recharged.

Finding Magic Items for Sale -pg 166

The listed costs assume that all success rolls are somehow made. Given how unlikely (or expensive with wishes and charms) this would be these prices can only be considered distressed selling prices. If the Wizards' Guild has a good or better reaction then they will believe the legitimate ownership of the players and buy the items at the listed rates. If the players instead sell the items on the black market they can expect to get no more than half the listed rates on a very good reaction roll.

The players can commission an enchantment from the Wizards' Guild at twice the listed rates or if they are very lucky or skillful and have an excellent reaction roll buy from the Guild or other legitimate sources at twice the listed rates. If they go black market and have a very good reaction then they can buy at the listed rates, but should expect the legitimate owners to come looking for the stolen goods at some point. If the reaction rolls aren't very very good then the prices will be much higher than these.

Minor Typos

Index -pg 174

The Fantasy Trip(t.m.) is a trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and their rules and art are copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by Steve Jackson Games.
This game aid is the original creation of Henry J. Cobb and is released for free distribution, and not for resale, under the permissions granted in the Steve Jackson Games Online Policy.