Hcobb's New Talents, Spells, Creatures and Gear for TFT

All page references are to The Fantasy Trip In the Labyrinth rulebook, unless noted otherwise.

A collection of my own musings, not to be taken too seriously. -HJC


  1. General gameplay
  2. Talents
  3. Spells
  4. Creatures
  5. Gear
  6. Combat
  7. Magic

General gameplay

Alternative Experience Points -pg 45

For example a base Octopus(page 82) wizard has 45 attribute points. In order to cast the Zombie spell she would need to raise her IQ by 9 points to IQ 19 and then spend 500 XP to learn the spell. This would cost over 130 million XPs. At an average rate of 600 XPs per year she would be over two hundred thousand years old, somehow.

This is exponentially easier to achieve if you start with a Halfling Wizard of ST 4, DX 12, and IQ 14. Train her to ST 4, DX 19, IQ 19 for only 32,500 XP. Then add at least the Shapeshifting and Zombie spells for another 1000 XP. At 600 XP per year that's only 56 years and Halflings live much longer than that according to some works of fiction. Then she wishes up her ST to 14 and flips ST and DX with a Shapeshift into a ST 19, DX 14, IQ 19 Octopus. Of course I must close this loophole. See wishes below.

The proper fix is to change the XP table to simply increase by 1k per point starting at the 39th point. The table then becomes:

Added attribute pointXP cost
34th-  100
35th  200
36th  300
37th  600
Each additional1000 more than previous

The 54 point Octopus is then only 108,000 XPs over a 45 point Octopus. If we add 500 XPs for at least one spell and say 38 mana the total is 116,100 XPs which is only 194 years at 600 XPs per year. Round up to an even two centuries with a handful of additional high level spells.

No Experience Points -pg 45

In this alternative there are no XP.

At the end of each battle (or major encounter) each PC gets one (rarely two) Decimal Points (DP) that must be instantly spent or are lost. The possible uses of a DP are:


All new or modified talents takes them beyond human levels, but this is a game with magic.

IQ 7 Talents -pg 36

Strong Willed This character rolls one less die on IQ rolls to resist attempts to control them (Control Person, Geas, etc.). Note that this offers no resistance against attempts to fool them (say with Business Sense) or to disbelieve illusions (other than illusions of themselves). This character also gets a 3/ST health saving throw to remain conscious when hit with a Sleep spell or potion or if woulds or fatigue drive their current ST to zero or less. This roll is at minus one for each point less than zero their current ST is. This talent costs 3 memory points for a hero or 6 for a wizard.

IQ 8 Talents -pg 36

A character may take multiple levels of Running. If they buy Running enough times to double their basic MA then they get the effects of the Speed Movement spell, doubling their speed in even heavy armor.

IQ 9 Talents -pg 37

Each additional level of Acute Hearing gives +2 on IQ rolls to detect the unseen and reduces by another point the -4 DX penalty to fight the unseen.(down to no DX adjustment to strike the unseen at five or more levels of Acute Hearing.)

IQ 10 Talents -pg 38

Each additional level of Acrobatics requires 2 more DX, and reduces fall/balance saves by one die and one point of the -4 DX to attack while swinging penalty.

Magnetic Awareness This character can roll five dice minus one die for each level of this talent against their IQ to determine the local magnetic field.(Useful for navigation.) Each level also reduces by one point the -4 DX spellcasting adjustment for carrying iron. Each level costs one IQ point for heroes and two IQ points for wizards.

IQ 12 Talents -pg 42

Longevity The habits of living well and/or mystical awareness of ones own body. Each level reduces the aging rate by 10% and costs one IQ point for hero or wizard. I.e. at five levels you age at half normal rate for your race and at ten levels you don't age at all.


IQ 10 Spells -pg 20

Funerary Rites(T) Prerequisites: Priest talent. Adds one die to any attempt to use the residual life force of a corpse. (I.e. the DX roll for the Zombie or Revival spells, the IQ roll needed to rise as a ghost, ST roll to rise as a vampire, alchemy from the body parts, etc.) May be attempted up to five times for a single corpse. The cost for the first casting is two fatigue. This doubles for each subsequent attempt, succeed or fail. This casting roll is a contest between the caster's DX and the departed's IQ if the unfortunate was of a different or no faith.

Staff to Familiar replaces Staff to Snake and requires at least mana level one. The staff's familiar form is the wizard's spirit animal as a living creature. (That most wizards have snakes tells you a lot about most wizards. Witches argue that if you're going to create an animal whose only job is sleeping then you might as well get a cat.) The ST of the Familiar is the wizard's mana rating, minus hits lost to damage and fatigue expended as mana. The size of the familiar will be its basic form at that ST level. DX is 12 and IQ is 7. For example a mana one wizard's familiar might be an ordinary sized rat and by the time he trains to 40 mana this would be a 4-hex rat. (ST 40, DX 12, IQ 7, Bite 2d+3, tail sweep the same as a dragon's, fur stops one hit. Other stats as per an ordinary rat, except that it stomps men instead of the other way around.) In this animal form the familiar can regain lost mana as fatigue, a point for every 15 minutes of rest. As a result the familiar can contribute up to twice its ST (adjusted for wounds) up to a max of 25 ST/day in enchantment costs, replacing one apprentice. (You will need to feed it, but since you now have an excess apprentice you should be covered for at least one meal.) The wizard can cast the equivalent of a Control Animal spell over his familiar at no ST cost simply by taking a concentrate action to win a contest of IQ against the familiar. (Reroll the contest every minute while under this control. When not controlled the familiar acts as an animal trained to its IQ level.) It reverts to staff form if the wizard commands it to by a contest of IQ against it or when it suffers sufficient fatigue or hits to lose consciousness. The familiar's physical attacks don't bypass armor, but it can use the staff's occult strikes. (Using its own fatigue/mana and requiring an attack action from the familiar until Staff IV.) The wizard will pick up the local dialect of the creature type as a bonus language within six months of learning this spell. What they can accomplish by talking to random rats, snakes, cats or whatever is up to the GM. Note only "common" animal forms can be taken as familiars so no Dragonets.

Water Walking(T) Lets subject walk on water (or other liquids) as if it were solid ground. If dropped from a height the subject would dive into water normally, but once it reached the surface it could pull itself up onto the water with the same procedure as climbing out of a pit. Fireproofing is recommended for walking on lava and rough water is at least as hazardous to stand on as Bad footing(page 118). Cost: 1 ST to cast, plus 1 per turn to maintain. The enchantment has the same cost and procedure as Amulet vs. Drowning, but requires 1 ST per turn to use.

IQ 11 Spells -pg 21

Heal(S) Prerequisites: Physicker or Vet or equivalent talents (depending on the subject). The wizard pays 5 fatigue then spends one minute (12 turns) in casting while in physical contact (hands or staff) with the still living target. During and after a successful casting the target suffers no further damage from blood loss. At the end of the minute the wizard rolls and on a success the target recovers one hit of damage. Each subject can only benefit from the result of the Heal or Greater Heal spell cast in the past 24 hours with the greatest absolute value. I.e. a roll of 3 on a heal spell would heal 3 hits and also negate the 3 hits inflicted on the target by a previous roll of 18 on a Heal spell within the last day, but a roll of 4 at that time would have no effect. This spell doesn't regrow missing parts. See the Regeneration spell on page 30 for that. If the first casting in a day is after a Revival spell it will hopefully raise ST from zero to one.

Silence(C): Fills one hex with a silence field extending 10 feet into the air, no noise can enter or leave that hex. Doesn't impede spell casting, but you need to lip-read the wizard to figure out which spell he is casting. Other hex sizes are the same cost as Shadow, but one IQ level greater. Cost: 1 ST.

Summon Weapon(C): Summons a non-enchanted weapon of ordinary materials (not fine or silver, etc.) that the caster has the ST and talent to use (or a club) and can completely visualize (crossbows and guns are too complex, but either a bow or one arrow would work) into the caster's hand, ready to use the next turn. Cost: 2 ST, lasts 12 turns. Casting of Staff will fail but only cost 1 ST if attempted on a summoned weapon.

Wall Walking(T): Lets subject ignore the slope of any solid surface it walks on. Controlled movements cause no trouble (feel free to "drop" up to the ceiling from the wall in the same hex and use your crossbow from an inverted prone position), but involuntary falls (Trip spell, falling from injury, etc.) require a 3/DX save or the spell is broken. Cost: 2 ST to cast, plus 1 per turn to maintain. The enchantment has the same cost and procedure as Silent Movement.

IQ 12 Spells -pg 23

Create Ice works exactly like Create Wall except that each level is one IQ higher than the same number of Create Wall hexes. The ice lasts until it evaporates (at the same rate normal ice would melt), but is much more brittle. Six points of damage from any attack will shatter through a hex of Ice. Casting Fire on an Ice hex (or vice versa) cancels out to a fog that counts as Shadow, but only lasts three turns. There are legends of an evil sorceress queen able to cast this spell freely who reigns alone in a castle made of ice above the frozen city that rejected her, but I sure she's much nicer than that. A useful spell if you're harvesting organs from dragons and gargoyles in the field and need to preserve them as this spell can be cast into empty containers if needed. If cast over water the ice will drop 90% of its height underwater and then float around if this doesn't reach bottom.

Create Web Works exactly like the Create Wall spell, but each level is one IQ higher and costs two more fatigue than the same hexes of Wall. Requires something to hang down from, but you can stack double hexes (from the same or multiple castings) to reach down from a 20 foot ceiling, triple for 30 foot and so on. Has the same effect as a Giant Spider web(page 95). Like Wall this can't be cast into a hex that has anything more than Shadow or Fire in it. Lasts 12 turns unless set on fire in which case it acts like both a Web and a Fire hex for two turns, setting adjacent Web hexes on fire at a rate of one hex radius per turn.

IQ14 Spells -pg 27

Bind Ghost(T): Cast on the corpse of the recently dead to bind their ghost to this plane. There is a -1 DX adjustment for each full hour since death. The subject of the casting must always resist with his IQ as a contest vs the caster's adjDX. Add two dice to the resistance (not casting) roll if the caster is a coreligionist Theologian (or only one die if only a coreligionist Priest). Add one die to the resistance roll if the object of binding is either an item very precious to the deceased or his own skull. Add one die if the deceased is in agreement with the procedure. If this is only cast as a spell then the ghost must roll 3/IQ every week after casting and on a success will fade away within a day if not recast. If cast as an enchantment then the ghost suffers no fading rolls. Cost: 3 as an spell, same as a Zombie Ring to enchant one ghost. If you find one of these then expect that a Geas of some sort has been placed on the ghost. Like all item bound ghosts they can only appear within creation spell range of their item, i.e. an adjacent megahex of the binding item. If the first casting fails or is resisted then that spirit is beyond mortal power to contact.

Greater Heal(S) Prerequisites: Master Physicker/Vet or equivalent talents. exactly like Heal except that the fatigue cost is 10 and the subject regains 1d hits instead of 1 hit. As with Heal only the single most effective spell result in the past 24 hours applies, no matter how many times the target is injured.

IQ15 Spells -pg 28

Explosion (S) A giant fireball occurs in the target hex. The range penalty is -1 DX per megahex outside the caster's. If the casting roll unmodified for range is greater than the caster's DX then the spell fizzles, otherwise roll one d6 for each point missed and scatter the spell independenly by each. (So if caster's DX was 12, the spell was cast 4 MH away and the roll was 10 then two dice would be rolled and if these were '2' and '5' then the spell would randomly scatter back to the target hex). Does 3d-3 in the final target hex, 2d-2 one hex away, and 1d-1 two hexes away. Mundane shields protect if the exposion is forward of the figure (or directly behind if on the back). Costs 6 fatigue and takes two step and concetrate turns before casting. Missile Weapons talent corrects for scatter and reduces prep turns.

Staff to Monster Snake (T) Like Staff to Snake, but bigger. The monster snake has ST 40, the DX and IQ of the wizard, and MA 8, with no DX adjustment to hit it, other that the ranged weapon bonuses to hit the oversized target. Counts as a three hex figure for engagement, even when it uncoils to be eight hexes long, but only gets one trample attack per turn. Bites for double the wizard's staff occult damage, which is always armor piercing because this spell can only be cast on a Staff IV or above. The snake's magically fortified scales stop three hits from all attacks against it that aren't aimed at the eyes (at the usual -6 DX for a head shot). The wizard can only draw on the snake's mana when touching or riding on it. The snake can disbelieve independently of the wizard but only uses the staff mana to maintain itself. Costs 2 ST or mana to cast but drains one point of mana each turn thereafter to maintain itself. When the mana runs out or the wizard wills it will return to the ordinary staff form.

IQ16 Spells -pg 30

Exploding Snowball(M) The caster points at the target and invests one plus the number of dice of damage (up to three dice, so total cost is two, three or four strength). This spell does that many dice of explosive cold damage to the target hit, plus one die of explosive cold damage to every other figure in the impact and each adjacent to the impact hex. Determine the maximum range by the total strength in the spell (i.e. 2, 3 or 4 strength), not the number of dice. Takes one turn per die of damage to cast, minus a turn for each level of Missile Weapons talent of the caster, down to a minimum of one turn to cast.



Babr (2-hex) ST 24, DX 15, IQ 6, MA 12 on land, 8 swimming. In normal combat it combines 2d-2 webbed paw strike and tail sweep as per 2-hex dragon. In HTH it bites for 2d+2. Thick fur stops 2 hits. Has Alertness, Acute Hearing, Diver, and +6 IQ for sense rolls. Usually nests in caves near rivers and lakes. Some of these lairs have entrances up to five yards underwater (with air filtering in from smaller holes). Can roar with the effects, costs and procedure as a Dazzle spell, but the effect is on creatures with hearing, rather than sight

Cave Hexapus

Lurker on the ceiling


ST 40 DX 8 IQ 7 MA 10 (two hex creature, each foot)
4-hex club swipe (3d+3) plus trample

Each hex of a foot of a Colossus must remain within six hexes of every hex of the other foot, the two feet must end movement within a sixty degree angle of the other, the two feet can't enter each other's hexes, the right foot must not move left of the left foot, and the left foot must not move right of the right foot. Other than that the two feet can each move ten hexes each turn ignoring engagement. If both feet have expended five or less MA then the Colossus may designate any line of up to four hexes long which are all within six hexes of all feet hexes and in front of both feet for a club swipe, rolling against base DX for each target in those hexes. The Colossus has a total ST of 200, but inflicting 40 damage on either leg will topple it.

Desert Octopus

ST 20 DX 10 IQ 6 MA 1 (Large one hex creature)
2x tentacle(3/DX to avoid Rope spell) or bite(2d; 3/ST or lose DX)
Tough Skin(stops 3 hits) Lurk(3/IQ for naturalist to spot)

Usually sleeping just under the loose sand with six arms spread out in a hexagonal pattern under the sand. Any animal or human that walks within three hexes of its body will trigger the response. The arm attempts to wrap around and the target needs to save 3/DX (with adjustments for walking on loose sand) or be subject to the effects of a Rope spell. The target's MA is zero until they escape.

Every turn after the first the Octopus will deploy two more tentacles (until all eight are in use) against any targets within three-hex range while swimming through the sand at MA one towards the nearest entangled target.

Once it reaches HTH it will bite one target per turn. If the target takes any hits damage then the bitten target needs to roll a 3/ST health save or lose as much DX as it failed the roll by. Once DX reaches zero the target is paralyzed and the octopus will bury it in the sand for a later meal.

A few times per decade a major thunderstorm will drench the desert and the octopi will emerge from the sand to breed. That other kind of octopus refuses to admit to any relation to their desert kin.


This rare group functions as human heroes except for the following:

  1. Combat talents (weapons, Shield, Brawling, Unarmed Combat, etc.) cost them double the memory point cost (same cost as wizards).
  2. Can perform Detect Life as if casting the spell. There is no fatigue cost, but instead roll 3/IQ at minus one per megahex radius scanned. As always once they get a critical failure they will continue to believe the erroneous result until thoroughly investigated.
  3. Can absorb injuries from other living creatures that they touch. Roll 3/DX and transfer the amount the roll was made by in hits from the target to the empath. On a failure the empath loses one fatigue. Ignore all results above the amount that leaves the empath unconscious.
  4. Can heal their own hits (or the hits they have absorbed from others) at a rate of one hit per eight hours of deep meditation. Unless the empath has Alertness (and makes the 3/IQ roll) they will always be completely surprised when interrupted during this time.

Giant Volcano Snail

ST 45, DX 12, IQ 5, MA 2

Bite (2d+2), or spew lava (see below)

The Side hexes of this 3-hex monster count as rear hexes and the side and rear are protected by a tough shell that stops 6 hits. The front is protected by overlapping iron scales that stop 3 hits.

These simple creatures eat their way through rock (at an average rate of one inch per minute, so two hours to advance on megahex) leaving megahex wide tunnels that are ten feet tall. They don't mind snacking on organic matter that they stun by spitting out chunks of semi-molten rock. This counts as a thrown weapon attack that does 2d6 fire damage and any target hit needs to save vs falling as if hit by a Trip spell. This attack costs the snail 3 fatigue. The snail can make either attack after a full move (of all of 2 hexes), in addition to a separate trample (as fire damage) against each figure it has moved on top of.


A Golem is a variant form of Earth Elemental created by Alchemy rather than Sorcery. Golems have been seen in various sizes and each size is a distinct formula. Each golem starts with the complete ashes of a humanoid and then requires $20 in clay and other common materials for each week in the formula. An Alchemist can only work on one golem at a time and add one die (i.e. 4/DX) on crafting rolls if the Alchemist doesn't have the Potter mundane skill. Once complete the Golem will have 5 ST for each week's crafting. If the alchemist rolled an exact critical failure (i.e. 16 on 3/DX or 21 on 4/DX) for any of the crafting rolls then the golem is uncontrolled on creation. Otherwise if all rolls succeeded then it behaves as an Earth Elemental created by Create/Destroy Elemental except that the initial daily control rolls are only 4/IQ with a bonus (or subtraction) to the alchemist's IQ on control rolls equal to the reaction modifier the ash donor had to the alchemist. (Note the +3 limit on reaction modifiers at ITL 7 before you bake your grandma like a cookie.) Once this initial control is lost treat it as an ordinary Earth Elemental save that its natural habitat is the deep rich clay of undisturbed river banks.

Kettlefelt owl

(large 1-hex), ST 16, DX 12, IQ 6, MA 6/20.
Attack claws (1d+2).
Thick feathers stop 2 hits.

This hollow boned creature takes double damage from ax/mace/hammer weapons (after armor). It spends daylight hours camouflaged in trees (5/IQ to notice from the ground, Alertness and Naturalist help) and at night it uses dark vision and silent movement to catch tasty treats like Halflings (Will prey on Goblins only if especially hungry). If the claw attack hits the target gets a 4/DX roll to evade capture, and will otherwise be taken pinned (and suffering one hit per turn additional damage, armor doesn't help) to feed the hatchlings.

Mimic Toad

Large one-hex figure ST 20 DX 10 IQ 4 MA 4

Tongue strike(*), Chew(1d)

Has a natural glamour (as per the spell), that takes no fatigue cost that is only maintained while motionless and takes five turns motionless to activate. Also can use Teleport as per the spell.

Will disguise itself as some natural item (like say a treasure chest) and wait for weeks at a time. The tongue strike is resolved as a shield rush against foes one to three hexes away. If the target falls then it is taken to the toad's mouth to be chewed on starting the next turn. Tongue strike gets a +4 to hit if the target wasn't aware that the toad was there. Anybody in the toad's mouth needs to roll a contest of ST to escape. They roll one fewer dice (i.e. 2d vs the toad's 3d) if they're only trying to free one arm to make HTH attacks against the toad. The Chew autohits anybody held in the toad's mouth and ignores shields (which where dropped going into HTH). Non-magical protections stop half their usual hits (round down) due to the grinding and crushing nature of the attack. The Wizard's Guild will pay you $150 for an intact 300 pound corpse or $20 for each living five pound tadpole.


A half-breed of Human(ITL 77) and and a large Yakish creature(ITL 89)

ST 24, DX 9, IQ 7, and 4 extra points. Max DX of 12 and max IQ of 10. Hide stops one hit and horns can be used like a non-throwable trident attack. A large 1-hex creature.


Mooks are ordinary human beings (or whatever) and as such they feel that combat is a distant abstract concept that will never happen to them.

Mooks never win initiative and find the concept of combat initiative to be unsettling. They are always totally surprised on the first round of combat.

Mooks forget whatever combat talents they have been trained in except for Shield (not Shield Expertise) and Crossbow (only for loading via cranequin, which they will always use whatever their ST, and not for firing). This means that they roll one additional die to hit.

In melee combat mooks are treated as facing rear in all directions for most purposes. This means that they are +4 to be hit with non-missile weapons and only engage hostile mooks. (The hostile mooks stopping because of the weapon, not the person holding the weapon.) They strike untalented blows against hostiles in their front hexes.

Mooks lose a point of fatigue from shock for each hit of damage inflicted on them. Add the fatigue to hits to determine DX loss or falling over from damage. When they do fall over they need to make a 4/IQ save to attempt to get up, otherwise they will stay down and pretend to be dead for as long as this seems likely to work.

Ordinary villagers defending their own village are not mooks. Draft them into the army and drill them for a week and they will become mooks.


First embalm a corpse (at least a week and $500 for a human) then cast the Zombie spell on it to create a mummy. A mummy takes double damage from fire, but its well preserved brain only loses 2 IQ from the living state. (Max IQ 8.) If kept in suitably cool dry conditions a mummy will last for thousands of years. Roll 3/ST only on days it has been active and on a failure the mummy loses a point of ST. When the Zombie spell is cast or recast the mummy can be set with simple instructions like only activate when this gem (within creation spell range of the mummy) is removed, track down and kill the thieves then return the gem to its mounting and yourself to your sarcophagus. Unless the mummy itself is exposed to light it may take it a few hours to wake up once these conditions are met.


ST 12 DX 12 IQ 12 MA 6 Mana 6
Bite(1d+1, poison does 2d unless 4/ST save), -3 to hit

All are wizards and have an innate Shapeshift self to Human (same stats) for 3/ST +1 ST/hour. Shapeshift cast by others or Remove Thrown Spell reverts to their true snake form. Tail counts as being one-handed for spellcasting in snake form. They can't learn Staff spells, but they can build up Mana to their IQ level.

Naturalists get 4/IQ roll to identify a Naga in snake form or 5/IQ to identify in human form. (Minus one die for Expert Naturalist.) But anybody should suspect something is up when a snake starts talking to them.

These are typical stats for a young Naga. There are rumors of Monster Snake Naga who transform into giant humanoids.


ST 6, DX 10, IQ 8, plus 8 attribute points, MA 10
Start with choice of Common or Orcish as native tongue.
Suffers minus 1 on reaction rolls by Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs, unless you know their racial language.
These Orc/Halfling crossbreeds are goblin-sized humanoids in general.


The Sphinx, a nuisance encounter for TFT

Giant Tree Spiders

Storm Wisps

The Scholars' Guild assumes these are some sort of elemental, but none have been captured for study. They appear as small balls of light during intense thunderstorms and disappear just as quickly. Their main danger is that they gate from one storm to the next, across multiple worlds. Chasing after one of these wisps can lead one to a far away place and not know of it immediately as the traveler steps from one stormy location to another.

Two Headed Ogres

A few ogres are born with two heads. These have two more front hexes than a giant and only one rear hex directly behind them, with side hexes flanking the lone rear hex. Each head controls one arm and so two-headed ogres are typically armed with two clubs. Treat this as a single sweeping attack across all of their front hexes (at the usual -4 DX against each target) or each club can attack a separate target at full DX. The two-headed ogre can disbelieve with both heads independently, but don't expect success. Each head is subject to a one-hex Control Person spell (compare with the triple cost Control Person required on a normal ogre), but can't be commanded to attack itself.


Teenage T-Rex(7-hex) ST 60 DX 12 IQ 5 MA 12
Bite(2d and trap), Tail sweep

Adult T-Rex(14-hex) ST 100 DX 12 IQ 5 MA 12
Bite(3d and trap), Tail sweep

Any figure that takes one or more hits from a T-Rex bite is trapped in the curved teeth unless they make a 3/DX roll. Once the T-Rex has a target trapped it will automatically do another 2d damage (shields don't help and ordinary armor stops half as many hits as normal) every turn until the target takes an action to attempt to escape (requires a 4/DX roll), the target is slain (and eaten) or the T-Rex is knocked out.



NameDamageSTCostWt (lbs.)Notes
Two handed Javelin† 1d-1 7$203.0An ordinary Javelin in two tiny hands. Throw requires ST 9.
Dart Bow† 1d 7$504.0Fires every third turn, or every other turn if ST 10+ and adjDX 14+
Darts (20) - -$200.5For the Dart Bow. For branding and other enchantments count as arrows, not crossbow bolts.
Prodd 1d-18$405.0Fires every other turn, or every turn if adjDX = 14+ (reduce damage by one if using stones instead of lead bullets.)
Warbow 1d+313$454.52 shots/turn, if adjDX = 18+. 20 Arrows cost $30 and weigh 1.2 pounds.
Warbow 2d+116$505.02 shots/turn, if adjDX = 18+. 20 Arrows cost $40 and weigh 1.5 pounds.
Warbow 2d+320$606.02 shots/turn, if adjDX = 18+. 20 Arrows cost $50 and weigh 2.0 pounds.
Warbow 3d+125$807.02 shots/turn, if adjDX = 18+. 20 Arrows cost $60 and weigh 2.5 pounds.
Warbow 3d+331$909.02 shots/turn, if adjDX = 18+. 20 Arrows cost $80 and weigh 3.0 pounds.
Giant Sword† 4d+125$25025.0Needs ST 30 to wield one handed
Gigantic Sword† 5d+135$35035.0Needs ST 40 to wield one handed


Heavy flintlock pistol (2d+1), ST 10, Cost $200, 2.0 pounds, takes six rounds to reload with what might as well be a sling pellet (ITL 109) and a half-charge of gunpowder (on stable ground, adjust for footing). Range adjustment is -1/megahex for both accuracy and damage as the lead bullet tumbles through the air. So in the megahex adjacent to the firing figure the pistol is -1 to hit and does 2d+1-1 damage. On a break weapon result when fired (18 on three dice) it explodes doing 2d-2 minus the range in hexes to every figure within 5 hexes. (The firer himself is of course at range zero.)

A "well balanced" pistol uses the missile weapon range adjustment (to both accuracy and reduction in damage at range) and costs 10 times as much. So if using the Missile Weapons talent the weapon would be -4 to hit at 50 "yards" (ITL 125) and do 2d+1-4 damage.

A finely built pistol costs 10 times as much and a very finely built pistol costs 20 times as much and gains the ITL 123 saving throw against explosions. These costs combine so a very fine and well balanced pistol costs $40000.

A figure with the Guns talent can fire two pistols in a turn at -4 DX to both shots.


Damage categories

Divide all damage into three categories:

Internal: Internal damage is poisons, acids, being on fire and such. These are unmodified.

Cutting: This applies to swords, axes, arrows, pole weapons, crossbow bolts and lightning bolts. Damage of this class subtracts twice the listed protection of mundane fur, armor, and shields (but not the bonus from Shield expertise) before allocating damage. Magical defense bonuses are not doubled.

Other: Other damage types (crushing weapons like fists and clubs, other missile spells including fireball, and all other weapons) do half damage after armor. A half point of damage instead inflicts one fatigue on the target.

So a target in ordinary chain mail with a small shield facing (no magic or expertise) would take one hit of damage from standing in a Fire hex(shield doesn't help), one hit of damage if hit by a broadsword that rolled 9 damage (armor and shield doubled to 8 total), and one hit and one fatigue if hit by a club that rolled seven damage. (7 - 4 protection is 3, halves to 1.5)


Other Magic items

Magic Broom: The 2-hex Magic Carpet enchantment may be cast on an ordinary broom instead. If this is combined with Staff the physical strikes can only be done while holding rather than riding the broom and do two less damage than a one handed club. The occult strikes work as normal. In addition a Staff Broom can be commanded to do simple tasks by the owner such as sweep the floors or strike someone. Each command or strike requires the 3/IQ command roll and any strikes are at the Telekinesis DX adjustment. There are obscure warnings about a mouse setting his broom to fetch water as a lesson to apprentices.

Magic Carpetbag: Start with a up to two cubic foot capacity $200 bag or backpack and then follow the 2-hex Magic Carpet enchantment, but for only one week. The container then levitates the first fifty pounds of weight contained entirely within it. Enchantment cost is only $2,000. The double strength version starts with a $400 large bag or backpack of four cubic capacity and levitates the first 100 pounds of content weight. This takes two weeks for an enchantment cost of $4,000. Larger containers are unwieldy to carry around, but there are a few dwarfs who strap on their backs finely crafted 30 gallon barrels ($600 and 80 pounds empty) with the three week $6,000 level of this enchantment that negates 150 pounds of the 200 pounds of the 195 proof alcohol contained within (the drinking straw adds negligible weight), but I can't vouch for their combat effectiveness. Stacking these containers (or carrying them on actual flying carpets) does not add. Only the outermost container (or carpet) takes effect.

Stalwart enchantment: Same time and costs as a Trip enchantment, no ST cost to use.

Priestly Spellcasting

A hero with the Theologian talent can cast spells from books using exactly the same procedure as Casting Spells From Books on page 141, but only for books written for his sect. Wizards who don't have at least the Priest talent from that sect and heroes from that sect who only have the Priest talent can also figure these spells out, but it takes them twice as long to cast and they are at -4 DX instead of the -2 DX for casting from these books that Theologians from that sect or Wizard priests from that sect cast at.

A wizard could take a month and adapt a Cleric's Chest into a functional Wizard's Chest while a non-Wizard Theologian would be clueless as to how to adapt a Wizard's Chest into a Cleric's Chest. Other than being completely different, the cost, weight and other parameters for a Cleric's Chest are the same as for a Wizard's Chest. Some religions charge a markup on the required maintenance while others provide the Cleric's Chest and maintenance for select priests.

Remove Thrown Spell, the enchantment

An item can be enchanted to remove one specific type of thrown spell. For example a sword that undoes the Zombie enchantment. The costs and procedures for each variation of Remove Thrown Spell is the same as for Destroy Illusion. You must roll to hit the subject of the specific type of thrown spell with the Remove Thrown Spell item.

Spell Resistance

This enchantment follows the same costs as Weapon/Armor enchantment, except that it falls under LMIC instead. Each level (up to five and only the highest level item carried applies) subtracts one from adjDX to cast spells on the figure carrying the enchanted object and his carried items. This also applies to the item itself when not carried, which makes casting the +5 version of this enchantment rather tricky. Note that this only effects spells cast on the subject or items and so doesn't protect against missile spells, enchanted weapons, summoned creatures, etc. It does work passively to protect against occult staff attacks, scrying and such, but it also resists friendly spells such as telepathic attempts to contact the figure.

Amulet vs. Evil

Same enchantment costs as the Amulet vs. all elementals, but instead works against all undead, vampires and werewolves, if the wielder believes that such creatures are evil. Some religions are more xenophobic and include vermin such as elves or goblins in their evil list. This amulet (usually a holy symbol) only works against those creature types the wielder considers to be irredeemably evil (just suspecting that somebody is a vampire isn't strong enough) and must be strongly presented by the wielder (as an "attack" option) to be effective. (See the various two-weapon rules for what they can do with their other hand.) The wielder must roll 4/IQ to activate. (3/IQ for Priest, or 2/IQ for Theologian. Add one die if the wielder knows of any "good" examples of the target creature type as this weakens their conviction that all such creatures are irredeemably evil.) This is an activation roll against all mindless undead within forward line of sight. (With a minus for range the same as a thrown weapon. Roll against each subject independently.) Non-mindless subjects resist as a contest against this adjusted roll with a 3/IQ roll of their own.

Use the same rules as "ATTEMPT TO DRAW DAGGER" for characters who attempt to use this amulet in HTH combat.

Enchanted Tattoo

A living subject's own skin can be put under any enchantment that doesn't require a specific base item or the solid ground. (I.e. you will need to enchant the higher level of Slippery Floor and forget about Pentagram or Staff. Though there are wizards who glue actual powerstones to their foreheads.)

Add one die to all enchantment rolls if the enchanter doesn't have the Master Tattoo Artist mundane skill (3 IQ point cost for heroes, but doubled to 6 for wizards of course). Add another die if the enchanter doesn't have the one point Tattoo Artist mundane skill either (doubled to two for wizards, but included in Master). Each tattoo covers about the same area as the subject's handprint.

The subject's skin then counts as a magic item for Detect Magic, etc. and the rule of five applies. I.e. no more than five enchanted tattoos (double the cost for each additional tattoo) and no more than four other magic items.

Each tattoo is subject to individual disenchantment or destruction and each rolls as a ring against destruction when the subject figure is struck by magical lightning.

Conceal is only effective if you cover up the tattoo with clothing.

Corpses (or skeletons) may be tattooed with the Zombie Ring (or other) enchantment before or after the Zombie spell is cast on them.

Non-self powered flaming weapon

Exactly as per Flaming Weapon at ITL 152, but it costs one fatigue per minute making it impracticable for use as a light source. Same enchantment procedure as the self-powered version, but the enchantment only takes one week and so the base cost is only $2k, or $4k for the missile weapon variant.

Lightning Sword

A weapon may be enchanted to deliver the effects of a missile spell as a melee attack and therefore bypassing reverse missiles and spell shield. Immunity to the the missile spell still subtracts the same number of dice. The costs of this enchantment are the same as a missile spell rod of the same number of dice.

The limitations are that when enchanting a Wizard's Wrath Strike weapon the form of the strike (tk,fire or lightning) must be selected at enchantment time and that these weapons are self depowering. They leak one of the five points per die needed to power them per minute and can not be recharged with fatigue or mana. Instead keep a running total of the physical damage the weapon does (leaking one of these hit points inflicted per minute) and when this total reaches the cap of five points per die of enchantment then this time the weapon enchantment also hits as a second attack against the target's armor. At that point the count is reset down to zero to start again on the next attack.

Therefore a one die fire battleax is going to do its one die minus one point of fire damage on the first and every strike (98% of the time) while a twenty die lightning wrath dagger will rarely if ever trigger, even if it is doing +2 damage from a fine edge and +2 damage in the hands of a master. Note that this is still an enchanted weapon and so is effective (in both forms) against a Wight(page 84) or other creature only subject to magical attack.

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This game aid is the original creation of Henry J. Cobb and is released for free distribution, and not for resale, under the permissions granted in the Steve Jackson Games Online Policy.